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- Griswold No 9 Tite Top Baster Cast Iron Dutch Oven with Lid
- Camp Dutch Oven I Camp Dutch Oven Cooking I Camp Dutch Oven Recipes
- Le Creuset France 5.5qt Purple Dutch Oven Cast Iron Enameled Pot #26
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- 000btu
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- 100mm
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- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
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- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
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Tag Archives: look
Antique Vintage Cast Iron Stove Base Curved Legs Industrial RePurpose LOOK
Vintage Stove Base is in good used condition. Cast Iron Legs have no cracks, chips or repairs. Sheet metal side are okay with some rust. There are no bolts or nuts included. See photos for further description and condition. What you see is what you will receive.
Pot belly stove wood parlor cast iron cabin decor LOOK antique vintage
Pot belly stove wood parlor cast iron cabin decor LOOK antique vintage. This is a very neat old wood stove. It would be a great decor piece or with some work it could be used again. Was painted quite a few years ago. Some of this is cast and the main body is tin so there are some holes in the tin that would need to be patched if you wanted to use it. There is a hole on either side of the top door in the front and holes near the bottom of the chimney pipe. The item “Pot belly stove wood parlor cast iron cabin decor LOOK antique vintage” is in sale since Wednesday, January 20, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “49deek” and is located in Orange City, Iowa. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- Featured Refinements: Pot Belly Stove
- Color: Black
- Maker: unknown
Rare MARTIN Stove & Range #10 Camp Oven Cleaned & Seasoned Chuckwagon Pot LOOK
Rare MARTIN Stove & Range #10 Camp Oven Cleaned & Seasoned Chuckwagon Pot LOOK 1309. The oven is in good shape, showing some wear. There are no cracks, but what may be a small chip along the rim. On the inside wall there looks to be a pretty harsh casting flaw. I dont think it is pitting, but its hard to say. There looks to be some on the bottom as well, probably pits though. Please see photos to determine condition and ask questions as needed. My aim is to always fairly represent the items condition and what the item is. I will do this by providing a description and pictures to the best of my ability. The pictures are an important part of the description so please look carefully. If you have information about this item in contrary to what I stated please let me know and I will correct it. If I have one, I will state the history of the item as conveyed to me. The items I sell are vintage or older and normal wear is to be expected, and will often enhance its beauty and value. I realize that feedback is very important to all parties. I always leave feedback once I know that the items have arrived and the customer is satisfied. The best way I have on knowing this is by you leaving me feedback when you receive your order. Please Check Out Our Auctions at 10npit and misanthropik. The item “Rare MARTIN Stove & Range #10 Camp Oven Cleaned & Seasoned Chuckwagon Pot LOOK” is in sale since Sunday, May 24, 2020. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Kitchenware\Cookware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “misanthropik” and is located in Mesa, Arizona. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Costa rica, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Aruba, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint kitts and nevis, Turks and caicos islands, Bangladesh, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Ecuador, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Nicaragua, Peru, Pakistan, Paraguay, Viet nam, Uruguay, South africa, Colombia, Antigua and barbuda, Saint lucia, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman islands, Sri lanka, Maldives, Oman, Reunion.
Rare cast-iron Portland stove foundry pancake flipper look at photos closely
Please take the time to read our ENTIRE ad before making offers. Items that are on sale in our store, we will NOT discount anymore. If it is on sale in our store, it will NOT be marked down anymore. E-Bay does not have an option to take the Make offer option down on a mass scale. When we have auctions sometimes we have up to 500 items on sale at a time so it’s not feasible for our company to adjust 500 items for a sale that’s going to last a week. I hope this clarifies any questions that may arise? Again, Please read our entire ad before making offers. Please take note of the photos and obviously whoever was doing the castings that day was drunk? Or ran out of letters and numbers? Pat Aug 27 1878 And June 11, 1884. Now look closely at the 27th. The seven actually is an L turned upside down. Look at the date 1878. The eight is actually a S and the eight on the and actually is a upside down number three. And then where it shows June 11 one of the ones is different than the other. Like I said they had to be drunk or something? Got this from a guy who told me his grandfather used to work there on occasion. It had lots of surface rust I had to clean up and cured it. The photos are ALSO PART of the DESCRIPTION of the item. We take high-resolution photographs please take the time to review them. NOTE our company is currently looking for somebody that has the technology to rebuild marbles tang sights and Lyman Tang Sights. If you know anybody or are that person please let us know. Our company sells quite a broad range of product. All gun parts and pieces we sell on E-Bay we consider as used product. I do not have a degree in metallurgy or have the ability to test to tell you how old this metal in this product is. This is why we take up close photos for your review. For an example a large portion of our inventory after descriptions are written the item is Photoshop then packed wrapped sent to the warehouse. We do not unpack multiple boxes to take merchandise out and put in one box. But what we may do is take those packages/items that were in one package and put them in a bigger box. NOTE this doesn’t mean we accept payments over the next 30 days to pay for your item. We do not accept food stamps. Not when you’re Social Security disability check comes in. We are working on ways to get around this problem at this time. The best case scenario we would be able to discount on items would be 10% off. There is no guarantees with that depending on what the items are. Once again I don’t have to remind you items on sale in our store are not marked down anymore. 50 on the dollar. We find it extremely offensive. If you read our entire description it explains how much of a discount we can really give. We share our list and it is up to them whether or not they choose to block you as well. Items that are on sale in our store we will not discount anymore than what the sale price is. If you have read this far thank you very much and you should understand by now exactly what this statement means. So please don’t waste my time or your time coming in with some bizarre low ball offer. So we have a entire team of individuals who look at related items that we sell. But please keep in mind you can’t talk apples and oranges when making any type of comparison. Someone got a good deal. You should’ve bought that one. The item had no blue left on it, didn’t come with a set of screws, had damage for examples. We work very hard greeting and reading our items compared to other products out there and putting items in certain price ranges. So first thing we actually have to decide if were going to accept the item back. We encourage you show them to your gunsmith prior to purchasing them. Everybody has their own ideas and this is why we take up close photos. Individuals who return product that is not what we sent them will be prosecuted. We will file police reports and if necessary take you to small claims court. Our company works on a very small margin and can’t afford to take any more losses than we already do in a course of a year sorry. Also for the most part when we get items, a description is written for the item. The item is Photoshopped, then the item is packed wrapped and sent to the warehouse. Because of this it is almost impossible for me to provide additional photographs or measurements of items listed. I apologize in advance for any inconveniences. The item “Rare cast-iron Portland stove foundry pancake flipper look at photos closely” is in sale since Thursday, September 19, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Kitchenware\Cookware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “aw_shucks_sporting_goods” and is located in Palermo, Maine. This item can be shipped to United States.
Vintage Cast Iron Dragon Wood Stove Humidifier by Gates General 15 Pounds Look
Vintage Cast Iron Dragon Wood Stove Humidifier by Gates General 15 Pounds Look! The Hardest to Find Magic Hearth. Cast Iron Dragon Wood Stove Humidifier. Steam Blows out the Dragons Nostrils. Measures 10 1/2 x 6 1/2 x 10 inches. Weight is 15 1/4 Pounds. No Chips or Cracks. Estate Fresh on Boston. _gsrx_vers_818 GS 7.0.10 (818). The item “Vintage Cast Iron Dragon Wood Stove Humidifier by Gates General 15 Pounds Look” is in sale since Monday, January 08, 2018. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Fireplaces & Stoves\Other Fireplaces & Stoves”. The seller is “hieronymus3″ and is located in Salem, New Hampshire. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Brand: Gates General
- Room: Living Room
- Type: Wood Stove Humidifier
- MPN: Does Not Apply
- Model: Cast Iron Dragon
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Cute Majestic Small Cast Iron Pot Belly Stove! Take a LOOK! Saleman Sample
Price cut in half! This is a great little small cast iron stove made by Majestic. It is pretty clean and in very good condition. It is 27″ inch high by 15″ inches wide at the bottom. Check out this little cutie. Please check out my other auctions. The grate is good and there is no ash pan. Most of the items I sell are from sales, auctions etc. And are old or vintage items, not perfect. I try to describe the items the best I can by pointing out cracks, chips, paint wear, etc. The item “Cute Majestic Small Cast Iron Pot Belly Stove! Take a LOOK! Saleman Sample” is in sale since Monday, March 13, 2017. This item is in the category “Antiques\Primitives”. The seller is “wisfarmgirl54″ and is located in Wisconsin. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Color: Black
- Maker: Majestic
- Original/Reproduction: Original
- Listed By: Dealer or Reseller
- Style: Americana
- Type: Metal & Ironwork
- Region of Origin: US-Midwest
- Date of Creation: 2000-Now
- Material: Cast Iron