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- US Stove CompanyRustic 900 Square Foot Clean Cast Iron Log Burning Wood Stove
- Vintage Unmarked #14 Cast Iron Skillet 15 BSR Swirls Made In USA
- Griswold Cast Iron #14 Large SLANTED Logo Bailed Griddle
- Martin Stove & Range #8 Cast Iron Skillet With Lid, Smoke Ring, Hamburger Logo
- Cajun Classic Cast Iron Enamel 12qt LSU Colors Purple & Yellow Large Dutch Oven
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- 000btu
- 03-05
- 100mm
- 11kw
- 139000-btu
- 13kw
- 1400w
- 14kw
- 150000btu
- 1500w
- 16kw
- 1800s
- 1800w
- 1850's
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- 19th
- 19thc
- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
- 4-burner
- 4-oven
- 40cm
- 45qt
- 47×60
- 485×495
- 50×305
- 55-lb
- 555x41cm
- 55kw
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- englander
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- er7i
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- esso
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- ezystove
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- hampton
- handmade
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- hardwick's
- harman
- hart
- hearthstone
- heartland
- heat
- heater
- heavy
- heavy-duty
- hereford
- heritage
- hicks
- hiflame
- high
- highly
- hike
- historic
- history
- hobo
- homcom
- home
- homemade
- homewood
- honest
- horseflame
- hours
- household
- houston
- hudson
- huge
- humphrey
- hunter
- hutch
- icook
- idea
- identifying
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- ikenaga
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- inch
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- individual
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- indpls
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- installazione
- installing
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- jgss66selss
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- kukri
- labour
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- lacunza
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- lange
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- larger
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- launch
- leanne
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- life
- lighting
- lilor
- lincoln
- little
- living
- local
- lodge
- logwood
- long
- look
- looking
- lopi
- loth
- love
- lpcast
- lsg4513st
- lunenburg
- macro
- made
- magic
- magnum
- maintenance
- majestic
- make
- making
- malm
- manchester
- manual
- marion
- maritime
- martin
- massive
- mauviel
- maytag
- melting
- meva
- michigan
- mid-1800's
- milantoast
- military
- mini
- miniature
- minuteman
- mirus
- misen
- model
- modern
- monarch
- monessen
- monogram
- montgomery
- moore
- moore's
- morso
- most
- mountain
- multifuel
- multifunctional
- museum
- mustad
- myers
- nambu
- napoleon
- need
- neo-fit
- nester
- never
- newithunused
- newle
- nice
- night
- nitro
- no14s
- nomad
- norma
- norvick
- novelty
- nubian
- nutwood
- o'keefe
- oaks
- ohio
- olympic
- only
- open
- or30sdbmx1-fisher
- orig
- original
- ornate
- osburn
- outdoor
- outermust
- ovation
- oven
- ovenrange
- overnight
- oztrail
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- paint
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- people
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- perfection
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- photos
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- piece
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- polish
- polishing
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- power
- powerful
- pre-griswold
- pre-seasoned
- prem
- premium
- prepper
- prescott
- preserving
- price
- princess
- prize
- prizer
- process
- procom
- product
- production
- products
- professional
- propane
- properly
- protable
- prototype
- pugon
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- putting
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- quadra-fire
- quadrafire
- quality
- quart
- queen
- queenie
- quick
- quit
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- radiant
- railroad
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- ransom
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- reason
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- restoring
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- ruin
- rush
- rusted
- rustic
- rusty
- saey
- sale
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- scafell
- scarce
- schrader
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- scrape
- sear
- seared
- sears
- season
- seasoned
- seasoning
- selkirk
- sept
- sets
- sexton's
- shaeffer's
- shipmate
- shipping
- shoe
- shorts
- should
- showstopper
- sidney
- sierra
- silent
- similar
- simple
- simplicty
- single
- sirloin
- skantherm
- small
- smeg
- soapstone
- soda
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- soot
- sous
- southern
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- spark
- spontaneous
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- square
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- stamford
- standard
- stansport
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- starting
- staub
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- stoves
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Monthly Archives: December 2022
Antique Gas Spaceheater/fireplace Insert, Adams Model 51a, 21000 Btu

ANTIQUE GAS SPACEHEATER/FIREPLACE INSERT, ADAMS MODEL 51A, 21000 BTU. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “arcsales*” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: ADAMS
- Antique: Yes
- Type: Heating Stove
- Installation: Freestanding
- Capacity: 21000 BTU
- Item Height: 60,0 cm
- Model: 51A
- Material: Cast Iron
- Item Depth: 12\
- Fuel Type: Natural Gas
- Vintage: Yes

Antique GEORG HALLER cast iron enamel Kerosene Stove Cooker Burner Enamelware

Kerosene / paraffin Stove. Made c1910 in Germany by Georg Haller. Marked: Original Georg Haller. Made of Cast-iron, enamel, brass and glass. It comes with a new wickand a cast-iron roaster. It has spots of use and age. See photos of the exterior of this enamelware stove. 1 brass wickwheel and a glassholder with a tear in the glass. Gorgeous stove, also to combine with other antique kitchenware in my other offers. See my other offers too. White wickholder(heavy, cast iron enameled). This unique piece will look beautiful in you’re living room or kitchen! This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Cookware\Other Collectible Cookware”. The seller is “brocantestore2013″ and is located in this country: NL. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Stove Type Compatibility: kerosene
- Antique: Yes
- Color: Brown
- Custom Bundle: No
- Material: Enamel
- Set Includes: roaster
- Vintage: No
- Brand: Georg Haller
- Type: kerosene stove
- Original/Licensed Reproduction: Original
- Model: stove
- Features: rotary wickwheel
- Time Period Manufactured: 1900-1920
- Country/Region of Manufacture: Germany
- Surface Coating: Enamel

Vintage Antique Pair of Wood Stove Pot Rack Warming Shelves

Nice vintage as found condition. No cracks or breaks. Have a number on the back. Measure 7 1/2″ by 7″. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “pawnshoppatty” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Wallis and Futuna, Gambia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Poland, Oman, Suriname, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Argentina, Guinea-Bissau, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Bhutan, Senegal, Togo, Ireland, Qatar, Burundi, Netherlands, Iraq, Slovakia, Slovenia, Equatorial Guinea, Thailand, Aruba, Sweden, Iceland, Macedonia, Belgium, Israel, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Benin, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Italy, Swaziland, Tanzania, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Panama, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Djibouti, Chile, China, Mali, Botswana, Republic of Croatia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Portugal, Malta, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Cayman Islands, Paraguay, Saint Helena, Cyprus, Seychelles, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Australia, Austria, Sri Lanka, Gabon Republic, Zimbabwe, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Norway, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Kiribati, Turkmenistan, Grenada, Greece, Haiti, Greenland, Yemen, Afghanistan, Montenegro, Mongolia, Nepal, Bahamas, Bahrain, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Angola, Western Samoa, France, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Denmark, Guatemala, Solomon Islands, Vatican City State, Sierra Leone, Nauru, Anguilla, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Cameroon, Guyana, Azerbaijan Republic, Macau, Georgia, Tonga, San Marino, Eritrea, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Morocco, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Mauritania, Belize, Philippines, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Western Sahara, Colombia, Spain, Estonia, Bermuda, Montserrat, Zambia, South Korea, Vanuatu, Ecuador, Albania, Ethiopia, Monaco, Niger, Laos, Ghana, Cape Verde Islands, Moldova, Madagascar, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Lebanon, Liberia, Bolivia, Maldives, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Nigeria, Mauritius, Saint Lucia, Jordan, Guinea, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Andorra, Romania, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Lithuania, Trinidad and Tobago, Malawi, Nicaragua, Finland, Tunisia, Luxembourg, Uganda, Brazil, Turkey, Tuvalu, Germany, Egypt, Latvia, Jamaica, Niue, South Africa, Brunei Darussalam, Honduras.
- Installation: Freestanding
- Vintage: Yes
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Country/Region of Manufacture: Unknown
- Material: Cast Iron
- Model: Unknown
- Brand: Unknown
- Antique: Yes
- Type: Heating Stove
- Surface: Cast Plate

19th Century Parlor Stove

1890’s French Wood/Coal burning Parlor stove. Complete and in amazing condition. All original parts included. Can burn wood or coal – anthracite. Very rare (small chip in enamel on left side- see picture). 19″ widest point x 15″ deep x 35 tall. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “jeremy444471″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Model: Stove
- Type: Heating Stove
- Installation: Freestanding
- Antique: Yes
- Vintage: Yes
- Surface: Enamel cast iron

Summers Heat Pellet Stove with USB Port 45,000 BTU, Model# 55-SHPCB120

Summers Heat Pellet Stove with USB Port – 45,000 BTU, Model# 55-SHPCB120. Northern Tool Item# 63049. 280.0000 lb(s). Northern Tool and Equipment. Pellet Stove is well named. Beginning with a simple, intuitive control board, you can now just press the On button, set your desired room temperature and walk away. The auto-ignition system ensures that the stove will light safely, and the Smartstove? Control system takes over to ensure a safe, efficient burn. Capacity hopper holds more than enough pellet fuel for overnight burns (as well as reduces loading on your part). The large viewing glass with air wash system gives a great view of the fire. This stove heats up to 2200 sq. And comes with a fresh air hook-up kit at no charge. A stylish cool-touch nickel handle accents the arched cast iron door. This stove is mobile home approved. Blower CFM: 250, Blower Included: Yes, BTU Output: 45,000, Dimensions W x D x H in. : 33 x 30.25 x 45, Fire Box/Hopper Capacity lbs. : 120, Fuel Type: Pellet, Heat Settings: Thermostat controlled, Heating Capability sq. : 2,200, Product Weight: 280 lb. Heats up to 2,200 sq. Hoper holds 120 lbs. Up to 65 hours of burn time. EPA latest certification means high efficiency and low emissions. Outside Air kit included. All orders will contain an invoice/receipt. IMPORTANT: We will not honor requests to remove invoices or receipts from packages. At that point it will be your responsibility to move the product into your home or place of business. We may already have an answer to your question! We reserve the right to correct ad errors and/or omissions. Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Fireplaces & Stoves\Heating Stoves”. The seller is “northerntool” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Type: Not Available
- Brand: Northern Tool and Equipment
- Model: 55-SHPCB120
- MPN: 55-SHPCB120
- Manufacturer: Northern Tool and Equipment
- UPC: 794909553308

Pot belly stove wood parlor cast iron cabin antique vintage Columbia airtight

Pot belly stove wood parlor cast iron cabin antique vintage Columbia airtight. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “bcoun91″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Brand: unknown
- Type: Heating Stove
- Installation: Freestanding
- Color: Black
- Model: unknown
- Material: Cast Iron
- Featured Refinements: Pot Belly Stove
- Fuel Type: Wood

Sweet Heart Black $ White Vintage Kitchen Wood Cook Stove Cast Iron by Heartland

63 inches high by 42 inches wide by 24 inches deep. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “mistgra-5″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Heartland
- Type: Cooking Stove
- Installation: Freestanding
- Color: Black
- Model: Sweet Heart by Heartland
- Number of Ovens: 1
- Material: Cast Iron
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Surface: Cast Plate

Bengal Yellow Vintage Kitchen Wood & Gas Cook Stove

Bengal Vintage Kitchen Wood & Gas Cook Stove. Made in the 1930’s. New custom made ash receptacle. May need cleaning of gas burners. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “grethavr0″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Antique: Yes
- Installation: Freestanding
- Number of Burners: 4
- Color: Beige
- Material: Cast Iron
- Fuel Type: Dual Fuel
- Surface: Burner
- Vintage: Yes
- Type: Cooking Stove
- Model: Bengal
- Number of Ovens: 1
- Features: Baking Oven, Broiler
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Antique Cast Iron Stove Boiler Door Decorative Hardware

Antique Cast Iron Stove Boiler Door Decorative Hardware. No makers mark that I could find the under side has Numbers T 14-16-8 & 11 see photos that detail these numbers. Measures 13″ wide by 7″ tall weighs 4 + Lbs. Pre-owned in good used condition, see Photos for more detail. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “ams1_0″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Features: Unknown
- Number of Burners: 0
- Custom Bundle: No
- Installation: Ornamental Part
- Item Height: 7 in
- Number of Ovens: 0
- Vintage: Yes
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Material: Cast Iron
- Featured Refinements: Cast Iron Stove Door
- Model: Unknown
- Brand: Unknown
- Antique: Yes
- Color: Black
- Capacity: Unknown
- Type: Heating Stove
- Surface: 0