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- 26×35
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- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
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Category Archives: supreme
Supreme Novo 24 Wood Burning Free Standing Stove Fireplace with Cast Iron Panels

Supreme Novo 24 Wood Burning Free Standing Stove Fireplace with Cast Iron Panels. Elevated podium with wood storage is an optional item at additional cost. Distinguished by its clean lines and harmonious ratios, the Novo 24 wood-burning stove fluidly integrates into all manner of interior schemes. With its exceptional versatility, it embodies the ultimate culmination of contemporary form and function. The stove can sit directly on the floor, or can be elevated on a podium, creating a wood storage space that becomes an attractive feature in its own right. Homeowners are also able to customise the appearance of the firebox by choosing between two materials: soapstone and cast iron. Both are incredibly durable and heat-efficient, yet offer distinct aesthetic appeal. The cast-iron panels are reversible, with one side displaying a classic brick pattern and a flowing, contemporary style on the other. Homeowners who prefer a natural grain will love the neutral appeal and timeless chic of grey soapstone. With its ability to bring both beauty and indelible comfort to any home, the Novo 24 stove represents an exciting new frontier of modern heating. EXCLUSIVE FEATURES & TECHNOLOGIES. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;PATENTED AUTOMATIC AIR CONTROL. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;PREMIUM QUALITY BLOWER (130 CFM). &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;CAST IRON PANELS. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;REMOVABLE ASH LIP. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;CHIMNEY SWEEPING CAP. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;UNIQUE DOOR OPERATION. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;AIR WASH SYSTEM. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;INNOVATIVE BAFFLE DESIGN. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;SOAPSTONE. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;OPTIONAL K-LIST MATERIALS. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;PATENTED VARIABLE SECONDARY AIR CONTROL. 2,000 square feet. Total Maximum Heat Output. 2.4 cubic feet. 6 inch listed to UL 103/ULC S629 standards. 7/325,547 & 9/476,593. 23 &#####x215B;&#####x2019;&#####x2019; x 12 &#######xBE;&#####x2019;&#####x2019;&#######xA0. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order. All major credit cards. &#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B. &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0. &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; UPS/FED EX ITEMS. Please note any damage on the driver&#####x2019;s BOL. You will also need to make sure no items are missing. PLEASE NOTE : you will have 48 hours to report concealed damage. &#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B. NOVO 24 ======= Freestanding Stove Elevated podium with wood storage is an optional item at additional cost Distinguished by its clean lines and harmonious ratios, the Novo 24 wood-burning stove fluidly integrates into all manner of interior schemes. The item “Supreme Novo 24 Wood Burning Free Standing Stove Fireplace with Cast Iron Panels” is in sale since Tuesday, December 24, 2019. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Fireplaces & Stoves\Fireplaces”. The seller is “embers_living” and is located in Broomfield, Colorado. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Supreme
- MPN: 24NV-11
- Area Heated: 1500 square feet
- BTU Heating Rating: 75000
- Country/Region of Manufacture: Canada
- Features: Patented Automatic Air Control
- Model: Novo
- Mounting Location: Freestanding
- Power Source: Wood
- Ventilation System: Natural Vent (Chimney)

Supreme Novo 18 Wood Burning Free Standing Stove Fireplace with Cast Iron Panels

Supreme Novo 18 Wood Burning Free Standing Stove Fireplace with Cast Iron Panels. Elevated podium with wood storage is an optional item at additional cost &#######xA0. Distinguished by its clean lines and harmonious ratios, the Novo 18 wood-burning stove fluidly integrates into all manner of interior schemes. With its exceptional versatility, it embodies the ultimate culmination of contemporary form and function. The stove can sit directly on the floor, or can be elevated on a podium, creating a wood storage space that becomes an attractive feature in its own right. Homeowners are also able to customise the appearance of the firebox by choosing between two materials: soapstone and cast iron. Both are incredibly durable and heat-efficient, yet offer distinct aesthetic appeal. The cast-iron panels are reversible, with one side displaying a classic brick pattern and a flowing, contemporary style on the other. Homeowners who prefer a natural grain will love the neutral appeal and timeless chic of grey soapstone. With its ability to bring both beauty and indelible comfort to any home, the Novo 18 stove represents an exciting new frontier of modern heating. EXCLUSIVE FEATURES & TECHNOLOGIES. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;PATENTED AUTOMATIC AIR CONTROL. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;PREMIUM QUALITY BLOWER (130 CFM). &#######xB7; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0;CAST IRON PANELS. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;REMOVABLE ASH LIP. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;CHIMNEY SWEEPING CAP. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;UNIQUE DOOR OPERATION. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;AIR WASH SYSTEM. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;INNOVATIVE BAFFLE DESIGN. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;SOAPSTONE. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;OPTIONAL K-LIST MATERIALS. &#######xB7;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;&#######xA0;PATENTED VARIABLE SECONDARY AIR CONTROL. 500 – 1,500 square feet. Total Maximum Heat Output. 1.8 cubic feet. 6 inch listed to UL 103/ULC S629 standards. 7/325,547 & 9/476,593. 17 1/4″ x 12″&#######xA0. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order. All major credit cards. &#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B. &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0. &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; &#######xA0; UPS/FED EX ITEMS. Please note any damage on the driver&#####x2019;s BOL. You will also need to make sure no items are missing. PLEASE NOTE : you will have 48 hours to report concealed damage. &#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B. ====== NOVO 18 ======= Freestanding Stove Elevated podium with wood storage is an optional item at additional cost Distinguished by its clean lines and harmonious ratios, the Novo 18 wood-burning stove fluidly integrates into all manner of interior schemes. The item “Supreme Novo 18 Wood Burning Free Standing Stove Fireplace with Cast Iron Panels” is in sale since Tuesday, December 24, 2019. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Fireplaces & Stoves\Fireplaces”. The seller is “embers_living” and is located in Broomfield, Colorado. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Supreme
- MPN: 18NV-11
- Area Heated: 1000 square feet
- BTU Heating Rating: 65000
- Country/Region of Manufacture: Canada
- Features: Patented Automatic Air Control
- Model: Novo
- Mounting Location: Freestanding
- Power Source: Wood
- Ventilation System: Natural Vent (Chimney)