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- Rare Pre-Griswold Erie #2 Cast Iron Scotch Bowl Yankee Bean Pot No. 780
- Griswold No 9 Tite Top Baster Cast Iron Dutch Oven with Lid
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- Le Creuset France 5.5qt Purple Dutch Oven Cast Iron Enameled Pot #26
- Le Creuset Signature Cassadou Cast Iron 3.75 Quart Cook Pan Cerise New In Box
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- 000btu
- 03-05
- 100mm
- 11kw
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- 19thc
- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
- 4-burner
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- 47×60
- 485×495
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Tag Archives: france
Le Creuset France 5.5qt Purple Dutch Oven Cast Iron Enameled Pot #26
Could use a cleaning but overall not chips of enamel that I can see. What you see is what you get.
Staub Cast Iron #18 Dutch Oven Made In France
The Staub Cast Iron #18 Dutch Oven is a vintage two-piece set made in France. This antique Dutch oven is round in shape. It has a capacity to hold 1 3/4 quarts and features a flat-bottomed design with double handles for easy lifting. The item dimensions are approximately 9.5 inches in diameter (including handles), 3.5 inches in depth, and 5 inches in height. It comes with a lid and is oven-safe, suitable for use on induction, electric, and gas stoves. Made of cast iron, this Staub Dutch oven weighs 6 lbs and is a collectible piece for any kitchen.
Staub Cast Iron 1.5-qt Petite French Oven Matte Black, Made in France
This Staub Cast Iron 1.5-qt Petite French Oven is a high-quality cookware that will complement any kitchen. It is designed to be compatible with induction, electric, and gas stoves and comes in a stylish matte black color. The oven has a capacity of 1.5 quarts and features a double handle for easy carrying. The Staub Cast Iron Dutch Oven is made in France and comes with a lid. It is also dishwasher safe and oven-safe, making it a convenient and practical addition to your cookware. The item diameter is 8.25 inches, and it is perfect for preparing a variety of dishes. This collectible cookware is suitable for other collectibles and belongs to the kitchen and home category.
LILOR Two Burner Kerosene Stove Green Enameled Cast Iron 1920’s No 5004 France
LILOR Two Burner Kerosene Stove Green Enameled Cast Iron 1920’s No 5004 France. French two burners kerosene stone model 5004 in green enameled cast iron made by Lilor France during the 1920’s. 22 1/2″ (57.2cm) length, 15 1/4″ (38.5cm) width, 6 1/4 (16cm) height, weight 14.85lbs (6.740 kilograms). Good condition, no tested, as shown by the following pictures. For our French-speaking friends: Réchaud à pétrole à deux bruleurs et régulateurs de pression numéro 5004 par Lilor vers 1920’s. LOngueur 57.2cm, largeur 38.5cm, hauteur 16cm, poids 6,740kg. Très bel état, non testé. All french-antic items come from France to you. See our other auctions on.
Staub Cast Iron 5-qt Tall Cocotte, Made in France
This Staub cast iron 5-qt tall cocotte is a versatile cookware that is compatible with various stove types including induction, electric, and gas. It is a round-shaped stockpot with a 5 qt capacity and measures 7.24 inches in length and 11.89 inches in width. Made in France, this cocotte features a ceramic surface coating, double handles for easy lifting, and an insulated handle for safety. Its non-stick material makes it easy to clean, and it is perfect for cooking a variety of dishes. Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, this Staub cast iron cocotte is an excellent addition to your kitchen.
VTG Le Creuset France #26 Green Enameled Cast Iron 5.5 Qt Dutch Oven withLid EUC
This vintage Le Creuset #26 green enameled cast iron Dutch oven with lid is a two-piece set that includes a 10 round pot and a matching lid. The oven is compatible with induction, electric, and gas stoves and has a 5.5 Qt. The item depth is 5.25 and it features a green enamel finish. The Dutch oven is made of high-quality cast iron and is an original piece from France. It comes with a lid and is perfect for preparing stews, soups, and more. The item is a collectible and is ideal for those who appreciate vintage cookware. Get your hands on this Le Creuset Dutch oven today and add a touch of classic French cooking to your kitchen.
White Enameled Cast Iron LE CREUSET #26 5.5Q/5.3L Dutch Oven + Lid EUC France
You receive as shown White LE CREUSET 5.5 Quart or 5.3 Liter Dutch Oven with Lid in Excellent Condition. Very minor wear to inside and tiny enamel bubble low on outside. Pot opening measuring 10.5″ across and 4.75″ tall.
Mirus Antique Cast Iron Enameled Stove Space Heater Circa 1920’s Paris France
Mirus Antique Cast Iron Enameled Stove Space Heater Circa 1920’s Paris France. This is a nice antique stove branded “Mirus” in close to working condition. The Front, top, sides, door and legs are green enameled cast iron. The enamel on the front and top is in nice condition for it’s age with only a few nicks and chips mostly on the top and back, The enamel on the fire door has more wear and chips due to the door being pushed shut with logs. Although there are quite a few chips in the. On the side and door of the stove, almost every Mirus stove I have seen has no. Left in these spots and some don’t even have the cast iron panel left. The stove is 18.5″ wide, 22.5″ tall and 11 Deep – Not counting the chimney and spacing need for proper safe use. We have ordered replacement Antique NOS Mica glass panels which will be here Dec. If not they will be sent out once they arrive here. Looks like someone took the time to add a fairly thick piece of sheet metal on top of the original roof sheet meta, l most likely to seal any pinholes so the stove would work without any unwanted leaks. This added metal can not be seen as the original enameled cast iron lid sits on top of that hiding it from sight. The bottom of the stove has a layer of thin fire brick that looks to have some cracks and a couple of missing pieces We are including new fire bricks for the bottom but not installing them. The stove uses a 3 chimney pipe which is NOT included. 3 x 3 ft. Having a qualified contractor to install the stove would be advised and most likely necessary. The reason being is that there are building codes that vary from region to region and those codes need to be strictly followed. After addressing these normal issues of installing a wood stove by a competent person, the stove could be used again if wished. Please look at the pictures closely and judge the condition, size and content of this lot for yourself as our photos are a large portion of our description. If it is not shown in the pictures it is most likely not included in the listing. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “littlebrother2009″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Model: Stove Space Heater
- Country/Region of Manufacture: France
- Number of Ovens: 0
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Wood Stove
- Installation: Free Standing
- Antique: Yes
- Finish: Enamel
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Number of Burners: 1
- Brand: MIRUS
Godin Petite Round Cast Iron Green Enamel Wood Or Coal Stove From France
Antique style cast iron stove. White enamel paint on cast iron. Made by Godin in France in 1978. Looks like the back leg has been replaced with a gray one but I have the original leg to but little broken but looks like it can be welded if youre handy. Please see pictures for details and message me if any questions. 40 miles outside Chicago north. The item “Godin Petite Round Cast Iron Green Enamel Wood Or Coal Stove From France” is in sale since Saturday, January 12, 2019. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “printinginkman” and is located in Mundelein, Illinois. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- Maker: Godin
Godin Round Cast Iron Enamel Wood Coal Stove France Brown and Black
Godin Round Cast Iron Enamel Wood Coal Stove France Brown and Black. A very nice cast iron stove that burns both wood and coal. Was removed from an estate in full working order. Disconnected from flue pipe in the fireplace. Stove is in great over all shape. Approximately 31″ tall and 16″ wide at the feet. Model 3720 manufactured in 1978 in France. Please see all photos for additional details as they are part of the description. Thank you for looking and happy shopping! The item “Godin Round Cast Iron Enamel Wood Coal Stove France Brown and Black” is in sale since Saturday, November 10, 2018. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “mintmammoth” and is located in Manchester, Connecticut. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- Maker: Godin
Incoming search terms:
- godin cast enamel coal stice