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- 000btu
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- 200000btu
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- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
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- 380mm
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- made
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- making
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- mid-1800's
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- mini
- miniature
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- modern
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- or30sdbmx1-fisher
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- quadrafire
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- seared
- sears
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- seasoning
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- shorts
- should
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- sierra
- silent
- similar
- simple
- simplicty
- single
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- soda
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- soot
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Monthly Archives: September 2020
37 x 31.8 cm old cast iron fire bread oven door doors flue clay range pizza
Welcome to my listing for these old oven fire door. It is in good condition with no cracks. It could be reinstated as a clay oven in the garden, or I think would look magnificent as a door to the wine cupboard in the wall, what a statement and talking point. Please scroll down for more pictures and dimensions. Any questions – please feel free to ask. Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands etc. Will probably cost more. The item “37 x 31.8 cm old cast iron fire bread oven door doors flue clay range pizza” is in sale since Tuesday, September 10, 2019. This item is in the category “Antiques\Architectural Antiques\Hardware”. The seller is “cast_and_more” and is located in Taunton. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Australia, United States, Bahrain, Canada, Brazil, Japan, New Zealand, China, Israel, Hong Kong, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Belize, Bolivia, Brunei darussalam, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French guiana, Iceland, Jersey, Cambodia, Saint kitts and nevis, Liechtenstein, Macao, Monaco, Martinique, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Paraguay, Turks and caicos islands, Aruba, Saudi arabia, United arab emirates, Chile, Bahamas, Costa rica, Dominican republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, El salvador, Trinidad and tobago, Uruguay, Viet nam, Antigua and barbuda, Bermuda, Barbados, Cayman islands, Jordan, Saint lucia, Sri lanka, Maldives, Oman, Reunion, South africa, Ukraine, Colombia, Montserrat.
- Material: Iron/ Cast iron
Wood Stove, Parlor Vintage Large Pot Belly REX No. 171, 45 X 19, has Cook Top
Our other treasures, go to visit store. Or come by and visit us personally in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of N. Our store is located at the foot of Stover Mountain on Big Creek Rd. This Pot Belly Wood Parlor Stove can be used as a one eye Cook Stove, it came from a local estate. This heater is used but has been stored for some time and seems to be in good general condition, finished in High Heat Black. Measures at 45″ Height X 19″ round. We are located North Of Atlanta Zip code 30536.. THEY COME TO OUR BUSINESS AND DRIVE TO YOUR DOOR!! HAD SEVERAL PIECES DELIVERED THIS WAY, NO MUSS NO FUSS! We’re based at Cartecay Trading Post, 3715 Big Creek Rd. 30536, located at the foot of beautiful Stover Mountain. We have lots of items for sale or trade. Please submit any and ALL offers – your offer may be accepted! Submit your offer today! Note: All items on our store are also for sale locally. We would Estimate the skid to be approx. Tall x 2 Ft. And weigh 130 lbs. The item “Wood Stove, Parlor Vintage Large Pot Belly REX No. 171, 45 X 19, has Cook Top” is in sale since Saturday, April 13, 2019. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Fireplaces & Stoves\Fireplace & Stove Accessories”. The seller is “cartesailing” and is located in Ellijay, Georgia. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- Item Width: 19 in
- Item Height: 45 in
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Material: Cast Iron
- Model: Pot Belly
- Item Weight: 100 lb
- Application: Stove
- Brand: Rex Stove
- Color: Black
- Type: Wood Heater
Vintage Antique Griswold 202B Cast Iron 2 Burner Camp Cook Stove Original Stove
Once you have checked out the photo’s, you’ll know as much if not more about this stove than me! I have always enjoyed restoring old parlor stoves and wood fired cookstoves, but I had never restored one of these. So when I picked it up several years ago, I looked for the best possible candidate I could find, as I knew I would be restoring it. I always thought this would be a great thing to have around in case the power ever went out also. This seems like an exceptional candidate for restoration, I see no cracks or breaks in the cast, nice and straight and it appears to me the castings will really clean up nice. Just a tiny bit heavier than thick cardboard, but 5 times as strong. But there will be half a dozen nails in the top for you to deal with. Want to be certain you are aware of that. Thank you for taking a look at my listings. The item “Vintage Antique Griswold 202B Cast Iron 2 Burner Camp Cook Stove Original Stove” is in sale since Saturday, August 8, 2020. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Kitchenware\Cookware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “toysrgreat” and is located in Dubuque, Iowa. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Modified Item: No
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Material: Cast Iron
- Brand: Griswold
Wonderful vintage Cast Iron wood stove, Has a cooking top with removable plates. Can be fired with coal or wood, has shaker grate, cleanout doors, shovels, handles, ready to fire up. Not too large, Top is Approx. 27″ from back of 6″ flue outlet to front door. 22″ wide and tall with 8″ cast iron legs. Looks like this stove was designed for coal, with the front loading coal shute, but could also burn wood. Great looking pot belly stove. Weighs approx 100lbs, I can pick it up alone, but it would take two people to handle it comfortably. Legs come off for easy transport. I just noticed the red tint on the stove in the pictures, that is not rust, its the sunrise lighting this morning. The stove is a even flat black. I can emai better pictures if required. The item “Vintage Atlanta Stove Works WHOPPER, POT BELLY COAL OR COOK STOVE” is in sale since Sunday, August 9, 2020. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “rusticbob” and is located in Poultney, Vermont. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- Featured Refinements: Cast Iron Stove
- Color: Black
Incoming search terms:
- https://castironstove biz/2020/09/12/vintage-atlanta-stove-works-whopper-pot-belly-coal-or-cook-stove/
AGA Range Cooker
Recently bought a new home with this and will not be using it. The AGA will be disconnected and will need collecting in-person. Please feel free to ask me any questions. The item “AGA Range Cooker” is in sale since Tuesday, September 8, 2020. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Major Appliances\Ranges & Cooking Appliances\Ranges & Stoves”. The seller is “jjtaylor13″ and is located in Glenview NAS, Illinois. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- Item Depth: 40″
- Item Height: 34″
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Gas Cooker
- Installation: Freestanding
- Features: Baking Oven
- Color: Green
- Surface: Cast Plate
- Number of Burners: 2
- Brand: AGA
Antique Redway Burton Ornate Cast Iron Coal Burning Parlor Stove with 100% Mica
Antique Redway Burton Ornate Cast Iron Coal Burning Parlor Stove with 100% Mica. This is a fantastic antique cast iron coal burning parlor stove for sale. This piece is very old and it is in great condition for its age. There is no breaks in the cast iron. The eisenglass or mica glass is in wonderful condition and is 100% complete with very minor flaws. There was little to no restoration done to this piece and it is original to the time period with no modifications. This is a timeless show piece that will go great for any high end collector. The parlor stove is the crown jewel of antique collection. Parlor stoves were used in the day to heat entire homes and during cold days families could be seen huddling around these type of stoves for warmth. These stoves would be the centerpiece of the home and show off along side the rest of their high-end furniture and collectibles. Add this extraordinary piece to your private collection today. Please look closely at the photos and of course happy shopping! Dimensions: 48 inches tall… 11 inch diameter fire box… 73 inches total height w. The item “Antique Redway Burton Ornate Cast Iron Coal Burning Parlor Stove with 100% Mica” is in sale since Monday, August 24, 2020. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “antiques0527″ and is located in South Elgin, Illinois. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Color: Black
- Maker: Redway Burton Cinci. OH.
- Featured Refinements: Parlor Stove