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Tag Archives: salesman
Vintage Crescent Miniature Cast Iron Stove Salesman Sample Toy with Accessories
This is a Vintage Crescent Miniature Cast Iron Stove Salesman Sample Toy complete with accessories. Made in the United States in 1940, this stove is a unique addition to any vintage toy collection. Constructed from durable cast iron, it has stood the test of time and is still in great condition for being a vintage piece. The stove is branded with Crescent and is a cook stove. Suitable for both boys and girls, this vintage toy is a perfect gift for collectors or children who love to play with classic toys. It falls under the categories of Toys & Hobbies, Vintage & Antique Toys, and Cast Iron. Get your hands on this rare piece and add it to your collection today! 12.5″ w x 6″ l 11 tall.
Antique Cast Iron Spark Potbelly Stove Salesman Sample Grey Casting Mt Joy PA
This is an Antique miniature cast iron Spark potbelly stove Grey Iron Casting co Mt. Description – An excellent example of an Antique miniature cast iron Spark potbelly stove. The stove was manufactured by the Grey Iron Casting co Mt. Joy PA and is marked in the lower chamber. The stove comes with 1 tool one original to lift the top which I’m not sure is original but can with the stove. These stoves are often described as salesman’s samples, but I believe they were actually toys or novelties as salesman samples were miniatures of full size stoves. This one is really nice and would be really hard to upgrade. Dimensions – 13 5/8 ” tall x 8 3/4 ” deep x 8 wide. Age – ca 1900 – 1940 +. Condition – Fine condition (see pics).
Vintage Lamp Converted Spark Cast Iron Pot Belly Stove Salesman Sample Joy PA
Vintage Lamp Converted Spark Cast Iron Pot Belly Stove Salesman Sample Joy PA. Lamp is tested and working, i do not think it hurt the condition of the Spark Stove. Please see pics for more info.
Crescent Cast Iron Cook Stove Miniature Salesman Sample 1900s
We have a Miniature Salesman Sample Crescent Cook Stove. It comes with a number of pots, a frying pan, coal scuttle and scoop. The stove top parts come off as shown in photos. Requires a good cleaning and some stove black. 12 x 12 inches. It is a heavy piece. The front oven door opens. This would be a great piece in a Victorian doll house. This is a great time to add this to your Cast Iron Miniatures collection! Hotos as they are part of the description.
Antique Salesman Miniature Stove
Antique Salesman Miniature Stove. Salesman sample stoves were produced as miniature versions, in exacting detail, of actual full-size stoves for demonstration purposes to prospective customers. This Quick Meal S 407-16 is a beautiful relic of turn of the century Americana. Cast iron and metal. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “alefo-7132″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Antique: Yes
- Installation: Freestanding
- Venting Type: Chimney
- Number of Burners: 6
- Color: Black
- Material: Cast Iron
- Item Depth: 15”
- Brand: Quick Meal
- Type: Cooking Stove
- Item Height: 26”
- Model: Quick Meal S 407-16
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Item Width: 17”
Antique Crescent Cast Iron Toy Wood Cook Stove Doll House withAcc Salesman Sample
Antique Crescent Cast Iron Toy Wood Cook Stove Doll House w/Acc Salesman Sample. Includes stove- complete with stove pipe and side shelves. Door opens easily and no rust on stove. Cast iron Dutch oven pot. (All miniature sized pieces). Some pots do have some rust and need to be seasoned. Thank you for supporting our small business! This item is in the category “Collectibles\Metalware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “robinlisa” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Wallis and Futuna, Gambia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Poland, Oman, Suriname, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Argentina, Guinea-Bissau, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Bhutan, Senegal, Togo, Ireland, Qatar, Burundi, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Equatorial Guinea, Thailand, Aruba, Sweden, Iceland, Macedonia, Belgium, Israel, Liechtenstein, Kuwait, Benin, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Swaziland, Italy, Tanzania, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Panama, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Djibouti, Chile, China, Mali, Botswana, Republic of Croatia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Portugal, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Malta, Cayman Islands, Paraguay, Saint Helena, Cyprus, Seychelles, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Australia, Austria, Sri Lanka, Gabon Republic, Zimbabwe, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Norway, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Kiribati, Turkmenistan, Grenada, Greece, Haiti, Greenland, Yemen, Afghanistan, Montenegro, Mongolia, Nepal, Bahamas, Bahrain, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Angola, Western Samoa, France, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Denmark, Guatemala, Solomon Islands, Vatican City State, Sierra Leone, Nauru, Anguilla, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Cameroon, Guyana, Azerbaijan Republic, Macau, Georgia, Tonga, San Marino, Eritrea, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Morocco, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Mauritania, Belize, Philippines, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Colombia, Spain, Estonia, Bermuda, Montserrat, Zambia, South Korea, Vanuatu, Ecuador, Albania, Ethiopia, Monaco, Niger, Laos, Ghana, Cape Verde Islands, Moldova, Madagascar, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Lebanon, Liberia, Bolivia, Maldives, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Nigeria, Mauritius, Saint Lucia, Jordan, Guinea, Canada, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Andorra, Romania, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Lithuania, Trinidad and Tobago, Malawi, Nicaragua, Finland, Tunisia, Uganda, Luxembourg, Brazil, Turkey, Germany, Egypt, Latvia, Jamaica, South Africa, Brunei Darussalam, Honduras.
- Material: Cast Iron
Crescent Cast Iron Stove Toy Salesman Sample Muffin Pan Teapot Bucket Victorian
Crescent Cast Iron Stove Childs Toy Salesman Sample Muffin Pan Teapot Bucket Victorian Ornate cast iron stove has a back plate with 2 small round shelves, stove pipe & flue cover Front door features a crescent moon & star. 1 solid & 1 filagree side rack Includes 3 burner covers, cover lifting tool, griddle, frying pan, bucket, shovel, teapot & lid, & a muffin pan When fully assembled, store is approx. 12″ long, 6″ deep, & 11 1/2 tall. 16 pieces total This is the most complete toy stove/salesman’s sample I have ever seen Used. General wear & light rust. Needs cleaning Both hooks are broken on the filagree side rack, but it still fits & stays on the side of the stove – photo 8 Please look at the photos carefully! Crescent Cast Iron Stove Childs Toy Salesman Sample Muffin Pan Teapot Bucket Victorian. Ornate cast iron stove has a back plate with 2 small round shelves, stove pipe & flue cover. Front door features a crescent moon & star. 1 solid & 1 filagree side rack. Includes 3 burner covers, cover lifting tool, griddle, frying pan, bucket, shovel, teapot & lid, & a muffin pan. When fully assembled, store is approx. This is the most complete toy stove/salesman’s sample I have ever seen. Both hooks are broken on the filagree side rack, but it still fits & stays on the side of the stove – photo 8. Please look at the photos carefully! Flr 2 Shop Stock # 11LBP60S13-140323. Auctiva offers Free Image Hosting and Editing. This item is in the category “Toys & Hobbies\Vintage & Antique Toys\Cast Iron”. The seller is “valeries_trunk” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States, New Zealand, Poland, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Bhutan, Ireland, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Iceland, Macedonia, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Italy, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, China, Republic of Croatia, Portugal, Tajikistan, Malta, Cyprus, Bangladesh, Australia, Austria, Sri Lanka, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Norway, Turkmenistan, Greece, Greenland, Afghanistan, Montenegro, Mongolia, Nepal, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, France, Denmark, Vatican City State, Azerbaijan Republic, Georgia, San Marino, Spain, Estonia, Bermuda, South Korea, Albania, Monaco, Moldova, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Maldives, Gibraltar, Canada, Andorra, Romania, India, Mexico, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Japan, Lithuania, Finland, Luxembourg, Germany, Latvia.
- Brand: Crescent
- Type: Toy Stove
- Year: 1898
- Material: Cast Iron
- Age Level: 17 Years & Up
- Gender: Girls
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Vintage: Yes
Vintage Crescent Salesman Sample Cast Iron Toy Miniature Stove with Accessories
Vintage Crescent Salesman Sample Cast Iron Toy Miniature Stove with Accessories. This item is in the category “Toys & Hobbies\Vintage & Antique Toys\Cast Iron”. The seller is “freezingwoman” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Wallis and Futuna, Gambia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Poland, Suriname, Kenya, Argentina, Guinea-Bissau, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Bhutan, Senegal, Togo, Ireland, Burundi, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Equatorial Guinea, Thailand, Aruba, Sweden, Iceland, Macedonia, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Benin, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Italy, Swaziland, Tanzania, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Panama, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Djibouti, Chile, China, Mali, Botswana, Republic of Croatia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Portugal, Malta, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Cayman Islands, Paraguay, Saint Helena, Cyprus, Seychelles, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Australia, Austria, Sri Lanka, Gabon Republic, Zimbabwe, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Norway, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Kiribati, Turkmenistan, Grenada, Greece, Haiti, Greenland, Afghanistan, Montenegro, Mongolia, Nepal, Bahamas, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Angola, Western Samoa, France, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Denmark, Guatemala, Solomon Islands, Vatican City State, Sierra Leone, Nauru, Anguilla, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Cameroon, Guyana, Azerbaijan Republic, Macau, Georgia, Tonga, San Marino, Eritrea, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Morocco, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Mauritania, Belize, Philippines, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Colombia, Spain, Estonia, Bermuda, Montserrat, Zambia, South Korea, Vanuatu, Ecuador, Albania, Ethiopia, Monaco, Niger, Laos, Ghana, Cape Verde Islands, Moldova, Madagascar, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Liberia, Bolivia, Maldives, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Nigeria, Mauritius, Saint Lucia, Guinea, Canada, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Andorra, Romania, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Japan, Lithuania, Trinidad and Tobago, Malawi, Nicaragua, Finland, Tunisia, Luxembourg, Uganda, Brazil, Germany, Egypt, Latvia, Jamaica, South Africa, Brunei Darussalam, Honduras.
- Brand: Crescent
- Type: Cast Iron Stove Set
- Material: Cast Iron
- Gender: Boys & Girls
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Modified Item: No
- Vintage: Yes
Vintage CRESCENT Miniature Toy CAST IRON Stove Salesman Sample with Accessories
Vintage CRESCENT Miniature Toy CAST IRON Stove Salesman Sample with Accessories. Please see photos for condition. Please ask any questions you might have. This item is in the category “Toys & Hobbies\Vintage & Antique Toys\Cast Iron”. The seller is “royalemporium8″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Cresent
- Type: Stove
- Material: Cast Iron
- Gender: Men Women Boys Girls
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Modified Item: No
- Vintage: Yes
Antique Bucks Stove & Range Co. St. Louis Junior 2 Cast Iron Salesman Sample 23
Antique Bucks Stove & Range Co. Louis “Junior 2″ Cast Iron Salesman Sample. Used condition with wear and rust. There are no cracks or repairs. It does have grates inside, one in the main fire box and second grate is in the upper left box. There is also some kind of tool hanging through the top hole next to the main door (right side). Please, enlarge the pictures from your desktop computer to see better every little detail. 22 3/4″ tall x 22″ wide x 11 deep. Thank you for looking and feel free to contact me with any questions. This item is in the category “Toys & Hobbies\Vintage & Antique Toys\Cast Iron”. The seller is “jary-8104″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Material: Cast Iron
- Vintage: Yes