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- 000btu
- 03-05
- 100mm
- 11kw
- 139000-btu
- 13kw
- 1400w
- 14kw
- 150000btu
- 1500w
- 16kw
- 1800s
- 1800w
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- 1960's
- 19th
- 19thc
- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
- 4-burner
- 4-oven
- 40cm
- 45qt
- 47×60
- 485×495
- 50×305
- 55-lb
- 555x41cm
- 55kw
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- constructing
- contemporary
- cook
- cooker
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- cookstove
- cooktop
- copco
- copper-clad
- cost
- costco
- costway
- country
- covered
- cowboy
- cozy
- crankshaft
- creative
- crescent
- creuset
- creusetcousances
- creusetnew725qtsignaturerounddutchoven
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- cute
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- dansk
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- days
- deco
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- deep
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- delonghi
- deluxe
- demarco
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- dg61-00859a
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- drolet
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- dutchwest
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- early-1900s
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- elsa
- embeded
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- enameled
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- england
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- enterprise
- enviro
- er7i
- erie
- esschert
- esse
- esso
- estate
- european
- exceptionally
- extremely
- ezystove
- factory
- falkirk
- fancy
- fantastic
- farmhouse
- fashioned
- fatso
- federal
- field
- filet
- filley
- finex
- fire
- firebox
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- firewood
- first
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- five
- fixing
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- franklinite
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- fridgedair
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- front
- frontrear
- frying
- full
- fuller
- fully
- gallon
- galvanized
- garland
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- garrison
- gate
- general
- genuine
- german
- germer
- getting
- giant
- glacier
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- glenwood
- godin
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- goldens
- gorgeous
- grand
- grate
- gray
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- green
- greenfield
- grid
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- grill
- grilling
- griswold
- grizzly
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- guide
- guliver
- gymax
- haier
- half
- halka
- halloween
- hamco
- hampton
- handmade
- harbor
- hardwick
- hardwick's
- harman
- hart
- hearthstone
- heartland
- heat
- heater
- heavy
- heavy-duty
- hereford
- heritage
- hicks
- hiflame
- high
- highly
- hike
- historic
- history
- hobo
- homcom
- home
- homemade
- homewood
- honest
- horseflame
- hours
- household
- houston
- hudson
- huge
- humphrey
- hunter
- hutch
- icook
- idea
- identifying
- ikayaa
- ikenaga
- imperial
- inch
- indian
- indianapolis
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- indooroutdoor
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- installazione
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- iron
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- lacunza
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- larger
- late
- launch
- leanne
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- life
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- lilor
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- little
- living
- local
- lodge
- logwood
- long
- look
- looking
- lopi
- loth
- love
- lpcast
- lsg4513st
- lunenburg
- macro
- made
- magic
- magnum
- maintenance
- majestic
- make
- making
- malm
- manchester
- manual
- marion
- maritime
- martin
- massive
- mauviel
- maytag
- melting
- meva
- michigan
- mid-1800's
- milantoast
- military
- mini
- miniature
- minuteman
- mirus
- misen
- model
- modern
- monarch
- monessen
- monogram
- montgomery
- moore
- moore's
- morso
- most
- mountain
- multifuel
- multifunctional
- museum
- mustad
- myers
- nambu
- napoleon
- need
- neo-fit
- nester
- never
- newithunused
- newle
- nice
- night
- nitro
- no14s
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- norma
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- novelty
- nubian
- nutwood
- o'keefe
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- ohio
- olympic
- only
- open
- or30sdbmx1-fisher
- orig
- original
- ornate
- osburn
- outdoor
- outermust
- ovation
- oven
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- protable
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- quadrafire
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- queenie
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- quit
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- restoring
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- review
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- ringgold
- rippingilles
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- riverside
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- rocket
- role
- rongali
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- roper
- royal
- ruin
- rush
- rusted
- rustic
- rusty
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- sale
- salesman
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- sandblast
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- scarce
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- scrape
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- seared
- sears
- season
- seasoned
- seasoning
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- sets
- sexton's
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- shipmate
- shipping
- shoe
- shorts
- should
- showstopper
- sides
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- sierra
- silent
- similar
- simple
- simplicty
- single
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Tag Archives: lodge
BSR Birmingham Stove Range Cast Iron Sportsman Grill Cleaned Seasoned Pre Lodge

BSR Birmingham Stove & Range Cast Iron Sportsman Grill. Birmingham Stove & Range (Formerly Atlanta Stove Works) cast iron Sportsman Grill. The Lodge Sportsman Grill is more readily available. None of the parts are cracks. Each piece was cleaned in a lye and water solution and then seasoned with Crisco. Otherwise I would have cleaned the base plate better. All boxed up and ready for Christmas. The item “BSR Birmingham Stove Range Cast Iron Sportsman Grill Cleaned Seasoned Pre Lodge” is in sale since Thursday, December 2, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Cookware\Other Collectible Cookware”. The seller is “jr72″ and is located in Rapid City, South Dakota. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Material: Cast Iron
- Stove Type Compatibility: Outdoor
- Type: Portable BBQ Grill
- Antique: Yes
- Color: Black
- Vintage: Yes
- Brand: Birmingham Stove & Range Co.
- Set Includes: Hibachi Grill
- Original/Licensed Reproduction: Original
- Surface Coating: Cast Iron

Cast Iron Deep Fish Fryer 3060 & Lid 3093 BSR Birmingham Stove & Range or Lodge

Here is a large Cast Iron Sportsman Fish Fryer and Griddle Lid. The fryer is No. 3060 and the Lid is No. Marked Made In USA on both pieces. The lid has Patent N. 219833 and Sportsman Cover Griddle and the fryer is marked Deep Fish Fryer. The inside of the fryer (the pan) measures 17.5″ x 9″ and it is 4 deep. The overall width of the fryer is approximately 20.25. In great shape; no cracks or chips. Sits flat with a slight rocking in the short direction. Its obviously been used and seasoned, but could probably benefit from a light cleaning and a seasoning. Please be sure to check out ALL the photos provided. The item “Cast Iron Deep Fish Fryer 3060 & Lid 3093 BSR Birmingham Stove & Range or Lodge” is in sale since Tuesday, July 27, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Cookware\Other Collectible Cookware”. The seller is “mariesense” and is located in West Palm Beach, Florida. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Shape: Oval
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Item Depth: 4 inches (fryer)
- Item Width: 9 inches (inside)
- Material: Cast Iron
- Heat Resistance: 500 F
- Stove Type Compatibility: Gas, Campfire
- Type: Dutch Oven, Deep Fish Fryer
- Features: Double Handle
- Antique: Yes
- Color: Black
- Vintage: Yes
- Item Length: 20.25 inches overall
- Number of Items in Set: Two-Piece
- Brand: BSR or Lodge
- Set Includes: Grill Pan
- Original/Licensed Reproduction: Original
- Surface Coating: Cast Iron