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- 000btu
- 03-05
- 100mm
- 11kw
- 139000-btu
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- 14kw
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- 16kw
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- 19thc
- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
- 4-burner
- 4-oven
- 40cm
- 45qt
- 47×60
- 485×495
- 50×305
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- 555x41cm
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- heartland
- heat
- heater
- heavy
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- hereford
- heritage
- hicks
- hiflame
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- highly
- hike
- historic
- history
- hobo
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- homewood
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- horseflame
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- hutch
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- local
- lodge
- logwood
- long
- look
- looking
- lopi
- loth
- love
- lpcast
- lsg4513st
- lunenburg
- macro
- made
- magic
- magnum
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- make
- making
- malm
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- manual
- marion
- maritime
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- massive
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- melting
- meva
- michigan
- mid-1800's
- milantoast
- military
- mini
- miniature
- minuteman
- mirus
- misen
- model
- modern
- monarch
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- moore
- moore's
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- most
- mountain
- multifuel
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- need
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- never
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- nice
- night
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- nutwood
- o'keefe
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- only
- open
- or30sdbmx1-fisher
- orig
- original
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- osburn
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- quadrafire
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- queenie
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- rusty
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- seared
- sears
- season
- seasoned
- seasoning
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- sept
- sets
- sexton's
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- shipmate
- shipping
- shoe
- shorts
- should
- showstopper
- sidney
- sierra
- silent
- similar
- simple
- simplicty
- single
- sirloin
- skantherm
- small
- smeg
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- soda
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- soot
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- standard
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- starting
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Tag Archives: glass
Cast Iron Stove Oven Wood Burning Glass Cooking Surface Heavy Duty Cooker

Material: gray cast iron SC 20. Overall height: 750 mm. Height (of the burner): 510mm. Length including door handles: 450mm. Ring (burner) diameter: 185 and 67 mm. Plate thickness: 7 mm. Internal firebox: 190×190 mm. Internal blower: 80×190 mm. Heat-resistant glass: SCHOTT ROBAX (Germany). Slot for glass: 140×140 mm. Chimney: internal – 100 mm, external – 115 mm. Cast iron stove made in Ukraine.

Built-in Gas Cooktop 4 Burners Gas hob/Stove Tempered Glass Gas range 23′

Specifications: Installation: Built-In Bunner Cap: Iron. (with adapter) Type: Gas Cooktops. Of Gas Burner: 4. Gas Hob Panel: Tempered glass. Main Burner Heat Input: 1130mm 3300W+2 75mm1.75kw+155mm1.0kw Glass Panel Dimention: 590510mm Cut-out Size: 555475mm. (21.85 x18.7 inch) Package Including: 1 4 Burner Gas Cooktops (As The Picture Shown) 1 Operation Instruction. 23 Gas Cooktop 4 Burners Tempered Glass Built-in NG/LPG Gas Stovetop Cooker. 23 Gas Stove Top Built-In 4 Burner Cast Iron LPG/NG Cooktops Hob Cooker. Let gas cooking help you create meals like a professional chef in your home. Designed to perform as well as it looks, This gas cook top features 4 gas burners which allow you to cook from a high heat for boiling, frying or searing to a low simmer for the most delicate sauces. Also gives you the precise control demanded by serious cooks. A Must For Any Modern Kitchen. Heavy Duty Pan Supports, Triple Ring Wok Burner and Optional Wok Holder. The Highly Polished Glass Adds Elegance And Style To This Beautifully Functional Hob. Easy to clean stainless steel top construction. Cast iron burner grates provides durability and long lasting easy to clean finish. Elegant brushed stainless finish control knobs. Electronic ignition, with standard 110V plug (as picture shown). Main Burner Heat Input: 1130mm 3300W+2 75mm1.75kw+155mm1.0kw. Glass Panel Dimention: 590510mm. (21.85 x18.7 inch). 1 4 Burner Gas Cooktops (As The Picture Shown). Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Faction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday.

23 Gas Stove Top Built-in 4 Burner Lpg/ng Gas Cooktop Countertop Tempered Glass

23 Gas Stove Top Built-In 4 Burner Cast Iron LPG/NG Cooktops Hob Cooker Let gas cooking help you create meals like a professional chef in your home. Designed to perform as well as it looks, This gas cook top features 4 gas burners which allow you to cook from a high heat for boiling, frying or searing to a low simmer for the most delicate sauces. Also gives you the precise control demanded by serious cooks. Features: A Must For Any Modern Kitchen. Heavy Duty Pan Supports, Triple Ring Wok Burner and Optional Wok Holder. The Highly Polished Glass Adds Elegance And Style To This Beautifully Functional Hob. Easy to clean stainless steel top construction Cast iron burner grates provides durability and long lasting easy to clean finish Elegant brushed stainless finish control knobs. 23 Gas Stove Top Built-in 4 Burner Lpg/ng Gas Cooktop Countertop Tempered Glass. 23 Gas Stove Top Built-In 4 Burner Cast Iron LPG/NG Cooktops Hob Cooker. Let gas cooking help you create meals like a professional chef in your home. A Must For Any Modern Kitchen. Easy to clean stainless steel top construction. Cast iron burner grates provides durability and long lasting easy to clean finish. Elegant brushed stainless finish control knobs. Electronic ignition, with standard 110V plug (as picture shown). Of Gas Burner: 4. Gas Hob Panel: Tempered glass. Main Burner Heat Input: 1130mm 3300W+2 75mm1.75kw+155mm1.0kw. Glass Panel Dimention: 590510mm. (21.85 x18.7 inch). 1 4 Burner Gas Cooktops (As The Picture Shown). Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Faction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday. Compact Design and Beautiful Appearance. Nice and Practical, High Quality Packaging. Main Burner Heat Input. 1130mm 3300W+2 75mm1.75kw+155mm1.0kw.

23 Gas Stove Top Built-in 4 Burner Lpg/ng Gas Cooktop Countertop Tempered Glass

23 Gas Stove Top Built-in 4 Burner Lpg/ng Gas Cooktop Countertop Tempered Glass. 23 Gas Stove Top Built-In 4 Burner Cast Iron LPG/NG Cooktops Hob Cooker. Let gas cooking help you create meals like a professional chef in your home. Designed to perform as well as it looks, This gas cook top features 4 gas burners which allow you to cook from a high heat for boiling, frying or searing to a low simmer for the most delicate sauces. Also gives you the precise control demanded by serious cooks. A Must For Any Modern Kitchen. Heavy Duty Pan Supports, Triple Ring Wok Burner and Optional Wok Holder. The Highly Polished Glass Adds Elegance And Style To This Beautifully Functional Hob. Easy to clean stainless steel top construction. Cast iron burner grates provides durability and long lasting easy to clean finish. Elegant brushed stainless finish control knobs. Electronic ignition, with standard 110V plug (as picture shown). Of Gas Burner: 4. Gas Hob Panel: Tempered glass. Main Burner Heat Input: 1130mm 3300W+2 75mm1.75kw+155mm1.0kw. Glass Panel Dimention: 590510mm. (21.85 x18.7 inch). 1 4 Burner Gas Cooktops (As The Picture Shown). Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Faction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday. Main Burner Heat Input. 1130mm 3300W+2 75mm1.75kw+155mm1.0kw.

Cast Iron Stove door with glass 17×12

Cast Iron Stove door with glass. Measures 17 5/8″ wide x12 1/2″ high in the middle. Can use a new gaskets and can be restored and used for years.

35.4 Gas Cooktop Stove Top 5 Burners Tempered Glass Built-In LPG/NG Gas Cooker

Weights&Dimensions: Panel Size: 9051cm / 35.420 inches Cut-out Size: 8347cm / 32.618.5 inches Package Size: 945618.5cm / 37227.3 inches Specifications: Installation: Built-In Gas Type: LPG / NG Gas Ignition Type: Battery Automatic Pulse Ignition Type: Gas Stove Color: Black Furnace Head: Aluminum Cover: Enamel Stove Frame: Cast Iron Knob: Bakelite Valve Body: Iron Shaft Ordinary Valve Water Tray: Stainless Steel Gas Hob Panel: 7mm Tempered Glass Pan Support: Iron Frame Nozzles: Natural Gas Nozzle; Petroleum Liquefied Gas Nozzle Load(kw): 3.0+2.75+1.75+1.75+1.0. 35.4 Gas Cooktop Stove Top 5 Burners Tempered Glass Built-In LPG/NG Gas Cooktop. The 5 burner gas stove is equipped with a stainless steel surface and cast iron grates, which are more durable and last for a long time. Five burners with five different power can cook five kinds of dishes at the same time, which is more effective. You can cook more dishes than others at the same time. 1 5 Burner Gas Stove. 5 Petroleum Liquefied Gas Nozzle. Powerful Fire: Five high-powered sealed burners can provide a powerful fire for cooking. The stable and powerful flame can meet various cooking needs. High Efficiency: Five burners with five different power can cook five kinds of dishes at the same time, which is more effective. Easy to Operate: The needs of most people are taken into account, so this five-burner built-in stove is easy to use. You simply turn the button to control the heat. Safe to Use: The electric ignition and flame failure system assure you a safe and convenient kitchen because the gas is automatically turned off to avoid gas leakage. Easy to Clean: The five-burner built-in stove is equipped with a tempered glass surface. You can clean it easily without much effort because of its smooth surface. Battery Ignition Device: This item has a battery ignition device that allows you to light the fire more conveniently and is time-saving. Pulsed Ignition: Pulsed ignition can lead to continuous ignition. It is not easy to interrupt. You can easily ignite with less force. More Energy-saving: The jet fire pits can achieve powerful firepower just with little gas, which is more energy-saving and gas-saving. Stable and Anti-slip : You can stably place your cookware on the thickened cast iron grate because it is anti-slip and durable. Even Heating: The inner ring of this item’s flame gathers fire to conduct heat evenly in all directions, and the outer ring of the stacked flame helps to heat the bottom of the pot more evenly and comprehensively. You get faster heating and better results when cooking. Panel Size: 9051cm / 35.420 inches. Cut-out Size: 8347cm / 32.618.5 inches. Package Size: 945618.5cm / 37227.3 inches. Gas Type: LPG / NG Gas. Ignition Type: Battery Automatic Pulse Ignition. Stove Frame: Cast Iron. Valve Body: Iron Shaft Ordinary Valve. Water Tray: Stainless Steel. Gas Hob Panel: 7mm Tempered Glass. Pan Support: Iron Frame. Nozzles: Natural Gas Nozzle; Petroleum Liquefied Gas Nozzle. Load(kw): 3.0+2.75+1.75+1.75+1.0. Push-button Rotary Switch: You can open the fire by controlling the unique push-button rotary switch which prevents accidental touching by children. Metal Fire Cover: The metal fire cover adopts the overall hot forging treatment, which is more resistant to high temperature, corrosion, and deformation. Stove Markers: Below each switch is a mark indicating the position of the stove it corresponds to control. This way you can quickly distinguish the different positions of the stove. It is suitable for domestic or commercial cooking in homes or restaurants. The product needs to be installed by yourself and is easy to install. We will reply and solve the problem for you as soon as possible. This product can be directly connected to natural gas. This product contains an LPG conversion kit. The conversion must be performed by a qualified service technician. 3.5 natural gas nozzles are already installed on the stove. If you want to connect to liquefied gas, you need to replace the nozzle. The package also includes 5 liquefied gas nozzles. Please allow 1-3 cm error due to manual measurement, and make sure you do not mind before ordering. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Faction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Major Appliances\Ranges & Cooking Appliances\Cooktops”. The seller is “prtunyts” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Features3:: Stable characteristics, high reliability
- Features2:: Made of high quality material, Durable
- Features 1:: stable performance,Durable
- Ignition Type: Battery Automatic Pulse Ignition
- Installation: Built-In
- Furnace Head: Aluminum
- Valve Body: Iron Shaft Ordinary Valve
- Color: Black
- Pan Support: Iron Frame
- Water Tray: Stainless Steel
- Stove Frame: Cast Iron
- Panel Size: 90*51cm / 35.4*20 inches
- Type: Gas Stove
- Cover: Enamel
- Load(kw): 3.0+2.75+1.75+1.75+1.0
- Cut-out Size: 83*47cm / 32.6*18.5 inches
- Knob: Bakelite
- Nozzles: Natural Gas Nozzle; Petroleum Liquefied Gas Nozzle
- Package Size: 94*56*18.5cm / 37*22*7.3 inches
- Item Width: 510MM/20\
- Features: Automatic Ignition
- Surface: 7mm tempered glass
- Notice: Can not ship to Puerto Rico,Alaska/Hawaii
- Brand: Unbranded
- Model: NO
- Number of Burners: 5
- Design: Built-In/Integrated Hood
- Fuel Type: LPG / NG gas
- Country/Region of Manufacture: China
- Oven frame: Enamel frame
- Water bowl: stainless steel

Rippingilles Patent Cast Iron Antique Oil/Kerosene Burning Heater Lead Glass

Rippingilles Cast Iron Antique Oil Burning Heater Lead Glass. This Unit is intact All glass is intact (no cracks) This Unit is complete accept needs new wicks to be operational. (repacement wicks readily available online) Glass is antique lead Cathedral glass combo of Red colored glass and Clear cut glass. This piece dates back to late 1880s – Somewhere along the way a previous owner painted it off-white (Originally it was Black). See Detailed Photos Questions and or Comments Welcome and Appreciated! 1895 founded a lamp company in Aston, Birmingham, about 1875: this became the Albion Lamp Company by about 1888. By this time another member of the family, Frank Rippingille, had founded another patent stove company – also in Aston- and the two appear to have been in competition until Frank Rippingille’s firm closed in 1903. Then – renaming itself Rippingille’s and continuing in business making heaters and cooking stoves out of the Albion works in Aston- Alexander’s firm continued to 1971 when taken over by Valor Ltd. The stoves included models for use afloat, not least in yachts: in Erskine Childers”Riddle of the Sands’ (1903) Davies asks Carruthers (in London, by telegram) to obtain a No 3 Rippingille stove and bring it to Flensburg (see Notebook field). This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “spicecenterrelics” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Portugal, Malta, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Australia, Austria, Hungary, Sweden, Spain, Estonia, Belgium, Finland, Bulgaria, Poland, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Canada, France, Germany, Latvia, Italy, Greece, Romania.
- Model: Antique Oil/Kerosene Heater
- Number of Ovens: 1
- Item Depth: 16
- Item Height: 20
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Heating Stove
- Installation: Freestanding
- Antique: Yes
- Color: off white
- Vintage: Yes
- Surface: cast Iron
- Finish: Glass
- Fuel Type: Kerosene/Paraffin Oil
- Number of Burners: 2
- Brand: Rippingille Patent

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- rippingilles stove
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Posted in rippingilles
Tagged antique, burning, cast, glass, heater, iron, lead, oilkerosene, patent, rippingilles