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- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
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- 365x31cm
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Tag Archives: fireplace
Cast Iron Fireplace Stove, cast iron stove, fire pit, wood stove, coal stove
Wood burning stove, Cast Iron Fireplace Stove, stove, cast iron stove, fire pit, wood stove, coal stove. Height: 54 cm (21.2 inches). Width: 78 cm (31 inches). Depth: 46 cm (18.1 inches). Wood of 20 cm, 35 cm and 40 cm can fit comfortably. Width: 40 cm (16 inches). Depth: 40 cm (16 inches). Height: 18 cm (7 inches). Stove weight: 45 kg (99.2 pounds, libre, Ibs). Usage Area: The production purpose of this stove is primarily for indoor use. However, it can also be used outdoors. If it is used indoors, its service life is longer. Since the combustion chamber is wider and higher than standard ovens, it heats itself and the environment quickly. The smell of the cooked food is discharged from the chimney, thanks to the lever in the upper right corner of the oven interior. It has an ash discharge system. The fire chamber, main frame and upper part of our stove are completely cast iron and also enameled.
Humphrey Radiantfire No 20 Antique Gas Fireplace Heater Insert Cast Iron, 1920s
Humphrey Radiantfire No 20 Antique Gas Fireplace Heater Insert Cast Iron, 1920s. Really nice shape overall for its age. 20 wide x 19 tall x 10 deep with gas line.
Fire Grate for Wonderwood Model 2941 Heavy Duty Cast Iron Fireplace Stove Grate
Fire Grate For Wonderwood Model 2941. Accessory Type: Fireplace Grate. Keep your US Stove Wonderwood Heater in top shape by replacing a worn or melted shaker grate with this Fire Grate for Wonderwood Model 2941. Featuring heavy duty cast iron construction, this genuine USSC replacement part is specially designed to fit your 2941 stove for a quick, efficient upgrade. Easy to replace, the grates should be inspected monthly and replaced if they show signs of melting. Customer service is our top priority! Please be sure to read the description thoroughly to make sure that this is the item you want before making a purchasing decision. We make every effort possible to accurately describe and depict the items. Please be aware that slight variations in color may be due to differences in lighting and computer monitor resolutions. Thank you for shopping with us. We appreciate your business! If ordering electrical items outside of the U. Please note that they will come equipped with a standard U. You will need a suitable adapter to use the item in your country. An adult signature will be required. Please be sure to have available help on hand to assist you with moving the item to the desired location in or outside of your home. When returning an item, it must be in all of the original packaging and include all of the original accessories or items that came with it. The item and package should be in original and perfect condition. We do our best to process as quickly as possible. Orders are processed immediately and dispatched to fulfillment as soon as they are received. For this reason, we are typically unable to honor cancellation requests. If the order has gone too far through the fulfillment process, we will be unable to cancel. Please note that electronic items are only rated for use inside the United States. If you order an electronic item for use outside the USA, that is at your own risk. If the product gets damaged or does not work, you will be liable and we will not accept a return of the item.
Incoming search terms:
- https://castironstove biz/2023/08/21/fire-grate-for-wonderwood-model-2941-heavy-duty-cast-iron-fireplace-stove-grate-2/
Cast Iron Furnace Fire Door Clay Bread Oven Doors Pizza Stove Fireplace Grill
Cast Iron Furnace Fire Door Clay Bread Oven Doors Pizza Stove Fireplace Grill. Furnace Door Iron Arched Vintage Fireplace Stove Fire Smoke High Quality? Covered with refractory paint + 800C. Material: gray cast iron MID 20. Weight: 13.2 kg? Please see pictures for all dimensions. Get images that make Supersized seem small. Showcase your items with Auctiva’s. Track Page Views With.
ANTIQUE THE HUMPHREY RADIANTFIRE GAS FIREPLACE HEATER PORCELAIN & CAST IRON INSERT. MADE BY GENERAL GASLIGHT CO. Was told it was working when removed from a home in New Iberia, LA in 2021, but it has not been tested to confirm. Makes a great fireplace insert or just for antique decor. DIMENSIONS (approx): 18″ WIDE IN FRONT X 14 1/8″ WIDE IN BACK X 8″ DEEP AND 21″ TALL Weight is approx. This listing is for a Humphrey RadiantFire cast iron gas heater with brass accents. Great patina paint, but could be easily removed. See pictures for condition. The front grate is missing and some paint is flaking but the enamel under is in excellent condition with very little rust.
Humphrey Radiant fire No 20 Antique Gas Fireplace Heater, Cast Iron, 1920s Trl7
Humphrey Radiant fire No 20 Antique Gas Fireplace Heater, Cast Iron, 1920s Trl7. Please see detailed photos for what’s included, and the exact condition. Thank you for supporting our small business!
Antique CAST IRON CAMP STOVE FIREPLACE Portable Columbus Ironworks Georgia
Here is a scarce antique portable cast iron camp stove/ hibachi by the Columbus Ironworks Company of Columbus Georgia in good as found condition, as pictured. With light rust, but no damage. Please see my other auctions for more antique lighting and other antiques and collectibles.
Antique Bas-Relief Cast Iron Fireplace Stove Openwork Face Decoration Rare Old
Welcome To My Store. Antique Bas-Relief Cast Iron Fireplace Stove Openwork Face Decoration Rare Old. Dear Buyers & collectors, We are Pleased to offer you a Gorgeous Unique Antique Beautiful Panel. Bas-relief openwork insert grate cast iron decoration for a fireplace stove Europe. Bas-relief, openwork, cast-iron insert, lattice, decoration for a fireplace or stove Europe. Decorated with bunches of grapes and a head. Grapes symbolize family, beauty and strength of family life, it is a symbol of fertility, well-being, wealth and hard work. It gives health to the sick, strength to men, beauty to women. Size: 24.0 cm x 22.0 cm. Weight – 1 kg. Introducing a remarkable bas-relief openwork insert made of cast iron, designed as a lattice decoration for fireplaces or stoves in Europe. This exquisite piece features intricate detailing, including beautifully depicted bunches of grapes and a captivating head. Grapes hold deep symbolism, representing the essence of family, the beauty and strength of family life, and serving as a symbol of fertility, well-being, wealth, and hard work. In addition, grapes are believed to bestow health upon the sick, strength upon men, and beauty upon women. With dimensions measuring 24.0 cm x 22.0 cm, this cast iron insert makes a striking statement. Its weight of 1 kg and 260 grams adds to its substantial nature, showcasing the quality of its craftsmanship. This bas-relief insert serves as an alluring decorative piece, adding elegance and character to any fireplace or stove. Its intricate design and symbolic representation make it a unique and valuable addition to your collection. Condition exactly as on the photo, please exam photos for details. This is lovley item own or to give as specail gift. Please view all photos alone with reading this description. If thers is anything I need to clarify, feel free to ask questions. I have other antique and vintage items for sale at the moment and shall be listing other over the following few days, so please keep checking my items for sale. This is a lovely item to own or to give as a special gift. This means they have the usual aspects of pre-owned jewellery. If there is a major dent, ding, flaw, or bend, it will be noted under the basic information. Please review all photos closely, since they are a large part of my item description. (all made with daylight, to show the colour as authentic as possible). I check myself each product and sell only the best quality products. In any case, if you are not satisfied with the product. Please contact me and I will do everything to your satisfaction. I accepted within 14 days, In its original packaging and on condition the item is its original condition as received. My customers are very important to me! Please, In case of any problem or question, please feel free to contact me and I will do everything. I can to make you be satisfied! In any case of problem contact me right away before leaving feedback so I will do my very best to resolve any problem. And to make you satisfied. Thank you for shopping.
Fireplace Stove, French Type Cast Iron Stove, Cast Iron Wood Burning Stove
60 lbs French Type Cast Iron Stove, Cast Iron Wood Burning Stove, Antique Looking Fireplace Stove, Cast Iron Wood Burning Stove. PRODUCT. Cast Iron Stove. SPECIFICATIONS : Depth: 500 mm (19,68 inc) Width: 350 mm (13,77 inc) Height: 500 mm (19,68 inc) Weight: 27 kg (60 lbs) H2 Ingot is produced from cast iron. It is a wood and coal stove and uses its fuel with the highest heat efficiency. Provides ideal warming for areas up to 20m2.
Cast Iron Wood & Charcoal Stove, Fireplace with Oven, Living Room Heating Stove
Customize Your Interior and Exterior, It will help you a lot in Warming up and Cooking, At the same time, it will Give your Space a Visual Nostalgic Fireplace Feast. Fireplace Top Cover 2817 inch – Ground clearance. Baking Oven 16188 inch. Combustion Chamber 85 m3. Nominal Power 13 kW. Maximum Heat Resistance Painted with High Temperature Resistant Paint. Cast Weight 140 kg – 308 lbs pounds. Wood, coal, solid fuel. Heating capacity: 200 square meters. Flue outlet size: 130 mm. 1 In order for the stove to be used safely, the ventilation system must have sufficient oxygen for combustion. 2 Elbow pipes and joints and chimney inlet must be airtight. 3 There should be no cracks or holes on the chimney or pipe. 4 Before the cooker is lit, the fuel tank can be filled with solid fuel at a maximum of 2/3. 5 Cooker fire cover should be kept fully open when first lit. After the fire of wood or coal, which is a solid fuel product, the fire cover can be closed as you wish.