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- 000btu
- 03-05
- 100mm
- 11kw
- 139000-btu
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- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
- 4-burner
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- mid-1800's
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Tag Archives: early
Early 1900’s J&E Stevens Cast Iron Rival Childs Large Cook Stove, Original
Original large cast iron children’s stove, missing one side shelf, large and ornate, 14 and 1/2 inches tall. We sell a wide variety of vintage and antique toys including toys from the 1930’s, 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s. We are constantly purchasing new items from collections, estate sales, auctions, flea markets, etc. So be sure to check back often if you do not see the item you are looking for. Check my other auctions for other items to add to your order. Please contact me if you have an antique toy collection you would like to sell. The item “Early 1900’s J&E Stevens Cast Iron Rival Childs Large Cook Stove, Original” is in sale since Saturday, September 30, 2017. This item is in the category “Toys & Hobbies\Vintage & Antique Toys\Cast Iron”. The seller is “vintage-toymasters” and is located in Belfry, Kentucky. This item can be shipped worldwide.
RARE 1854 FAIRY GIFT Cast Iron Toy Stove, Teeny Tiny, Early & SCARCE
VERY RARE, DIMINUTIVE and difficult-to-find “FAIRY GIFT” toy stove from my personal collection…. Original condition with original paint and parts…. Very good, original condition…. Very difficult to find…. Complete, right down to the removable oven shelf…. A few small flaws…. One upper hinge on one of the front small doors (above the hearth shelf) is broken (10th photo), but could easily be glued…. Two small chips/casting flaws along the stovetop edge (last 2 photos)…. Please study all photos, feel free to ask questions, and be sure to check out my other interesting antique auctions! The item “RARE 1854 FAIRY GIFT Cast Iron Toy Stove, Teeny Tiny, Early & SCARCE” is in sale since Monday, November 27, 2017. This item is in the category “Toys & Hobbies\Vintage & Antique Toys\Cast Iron”. The seller is “babylandrag” and is located in Essexville, Michigan. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Brand: Fairy Gift
- Type: Cast Iron Toy Stove
- Year: 1854
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Antique No. 40 Marvel 131 Cast Iron Stove The Wehrle Co. (Early 1900s)
This cast iron stove is very RARE and UNIQUE–I could not find any pics on the web or much reference at all. I think it can burn coal or wood. From what I could find, this might have been a railway caboose cook-stove from the early 1900’s? The pictures do not include the stove with the legs attached, as it is very heavy and we therefore left them unattached. The legs are pictured separately. It is a smaller stove (NOT as small as a salesman’s sample though). It measures about 22″ high when the legs are put on and the top is about 18″ x 24. It weights a LOT–somewhere around 80 pounds or more! On the front it says No. 40 Marvel 131, The Wehrle Co. Considering its age, the stove is in very good condition, but it is not in mint/perfect condition. The “handle” on the top not sure what it is called–lever? Does not seem to “fit” the stove, like it might be the wrong one. There are two small places on the stove top that have some small damage–a small crack in one corner and a missing small area in another by the screws. There is some missing case iron on a small area on one of the leg tops. All damage is pointed to in photos. There are also areas of rust, particularly on the inside parts and the grate. There are scuffs and other signs of wear too as normal, but listing and describing every little mark would take way too long! What you see is what you get. We do not know anything about these stoves, so we are not sure what else to describe/look for–if you have any questions, please ask. We have never tried to use the stove, so we don’t know if (or how) it works. The item “Antique No. 40 Marvel 131 Cast Iron Stove The Wehrle Co. (Early 1900s)” is in sale since Thursday, June 19, 2014. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “texasteacha” and is located in West Bloomfield, Michigan. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- Maker: The Wehrle Co.
MARTIN STOVE & CO. Early 1900 Pine Tree Shaped Andirons
MARTIN STOVE & CO. Early 1900 Pine Tree Shaped Andirons. These 2 amazing Andirons are Cast Iron in a Pine Tree shape. They are made in America by Martin Stove and Co between. These rare Andirons are marked MARTIN PAT. CONDITION: Their condition is very good with a beautiful patina and wear that is commensurate with age and usage. DIMENSIONS: 20″ high by 10.5″ wide by 19.25 deep. PLEASE NOTE: This is guaranteed authentic as are all of my things. YOUR ITEM WILL BE PACKAGED SECURELY AND SENT OUT FAST. IF YOU RECEIVE AN ITEM THAT IS NOT AS DESCRIBED, IT IS DEFINITELY UNINTENTIONAL. _gsrx_vers_526 GS 6.6.6 (526). The item “MARTIN STOVE & CO. Early 1900 Pine Tree Shaped Andirons” is in sale since Tuesday, February 11, 2014. This item is in the category “Antiques\Architectural & Garden\Fireplaces & Mantels”. The seller is “daphne*lily” and is located in Los Angeles, California. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Color: Black
- Material: Cast Iron
- Maker: Martin Stove & Co.
OLD STOVE, KITCHEN IRON AND GLAZED PORCELAIN. Old kitchen stove or made of cast iron and enameled porcelain in brown glaze decorated with floral motifs. This stove has 2 burners on top to cook, 1 small oven, home drawer of ash and combustion. And it works correctly today. Dimensions: 52cm wide x 40cm deep x 91cm high. The item “ANTIQUE COOK OVEN STOVE FIREWOOD CAST IRON & PORCELAIN FRANCE FRENCH EARLY XX Th” is in sale since Wednesday, September 21, 2016. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “tiendairesport” and is located in Canto Redondo. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Maker: UNKNOW
- Color: Brown
ANTIQUE Darby 22 CAST IRON Parlor Stove Ornate Coal Wood 1800s 1900s Early Rare
ANTIQUE Darby 22 CAST IRON Parlor Stove Ornate Coal Wood 1800s 1900s Early Rare Extremely rare and desirable this is a conversation piece!! Incredibly detailed This gem stands 42 tall Condition Currently about a 6.5 or 7 out of 10 Please see all photos needs love, missing bolts, screws, 2 of ornate side pieces missing or broken off, Needs replacement hear resistant materials for doors, maybe some metal work to convert back or update to today’s standards A good stove restorer could get this looking INCREDIBLE!! The item “ANTIQUE Darby 22 CAST IRON Parlor Stove Ornate Coal Wood 1800s 1900s Early Rare” is in sale since Tuesday, June 06, 2017. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “barnpickin” and is located in Suffield, Connecticut. This item can be shipped to United States.
ANTIQUE Darby 22 CAST IRON Parlor Stove Ornate Coal Wood 1800s 1900s Early Rare
ANTIQUE Darby 22 CAST IRON Parlor Stove Ornate Coal Wood 1800s 1900s Early Rare Extremely rare and desirable this is a conversation piece!! Incredibly detailed This gem stands 42 tall Condition Currently about a 6.5 or 7 out of 10 Please see all photos needs love, missing bolts, screws, 2 of ornate side pieces missing or broken off, Needs replacement hear resistant materials for doors, maybe some metal work to convert back or update to today’s standards A good stove restorer could get this looking INCREDIBLE!! The item “ANTIQUE Darby 22 CAST IRON Parlor Stove Ornate Coal Wood 1800s 1900s Early Rare” is in sale since Sunday, May 07, 2017. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “barnpickin” and is located in Suffield, Connecticut. This item can be shipped to United States.
ANTIQUE Darby 22 CAST IRON Parlor Stove Ornate Coal Wood 1800s 1900s Early Rare
ANTIQUE Darby 22 CAST IRON Parlor Stove Ornate Coal Wood 1800s 1900s Early Rare Extremely rare and desirable this is a conversation piece!! Incredibly detailed This gem stands 42 tall Condition Currently about a 6.5 or 7 out of 10 Please see all photos needs love, missing bolts, screws, 2 of ornate side pieces missing or broken off, Needs replacement hear resistant materials for doors, maybe some metal work to convert back or update to today’s standards A good stove restorer could get this looking INCREDIBLE!! The item “ANTIQUE Darby 22 CAST IRON Parlor Stove Ornate Coal Wood 1800s 1900s Early Rare” is in sale since Friday, April 07, 2017. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “barnpickin” and is located in Suffield, Connecticut. This item can be shipped to United States.