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- 000btu
- 03-05
- 100mm
- 11kw
- 139000-btu
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- 14kw
- 150000btu
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- 16kw
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- 19thc
- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
- 4-burner
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- 47×60
- 485×495
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- 555x41cm
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- mid-1800's
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Tag Archives: early
Antique french alsacian cast iron stove door early 1900’s castle
France, early 1900’s, cast iron. Good overall condition, was on an old Alsacian stove, curved door, numbers on the back.
Early BSR Birmingham Stove & Range Red Mountain #8 Cast Iron Chicken Fryer withLid
Vintage BSR Early Red Mountain #8 Cast Iron Chicken Fryer w/Lid with a handwritten number on the bottom. This is probably one of the earliest versions of the BSR, circa late 1920’s -1930’s. It is free of cracks and chips and sits flat. It has been stripped in a lye bath, cleaned and seasoned twice with Crisco in a 500 degree oven. There is some pitting between the 6-9 on the inside. Measurements: 10 1/2″ across the top, 9″ cooking surface and is 3 deep. Some Cast Iron cookware can have discoloration and utensil marks, which will even out and darken with use. Please see pics for further descriptions and reach out if you have any questions. Don’t forget to visit our store for additional cast iron new pieces added weekly. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Cookware\Frying & Grill Pans”. The seller is “nan-tiquescollectibles” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Stove Type Compatibility: Electric, Gas
- Number of Items in Set: Two-Piece
- Antique: No
- Shape: Round
- Item Length: 15 1/4\
- Vintage: Yes
- Original/Licensed Reproduction: Original
- Item Height: 3\
- Features: Flat-Bottomed, Oven-Safe, With Lid, Seasoned
- Item Width: 11 1/2\
- Color: Black
- Type of Oven: Electric, Gas
- Item Diameter: 10 1/2\
- Set Includes: Frying Pan, Lid
- Material: Cast Iron
- Item Depth: 3\
- Brand: BSR
- Type: Chicken Fryer
- Heat Resistance: 500
- Model: BSR #8 Chicken Fryer
- Time Period Manufactured: 1920-1930
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Surface Coating: Crisco
Large early nickel plated cast iron salesman sample cook stove-15934
This is a great, early, cast iron miniature cook stove. Quite likely a salesman sample because of the detail of the piece. Large size complete (missing top of water reservoir I believe). Original patina or nickel plating with all the original castings. Retains stove fitted handle and also matching fancy decorated hot water pot. Shows the original patina, cast iron has aged a bit and oxidized over time. Fancy decorated stove with no cracks, chips, or repairs. Approximate dimensions: 17″ x 9″ x 17 – 1/2. A word about condition. Those of you who have. I will try to note anything of significance in the description. However, please check the photos carefully—as they say’a picture. Who I allow to handle our pieces. Let me know if you would like additional information about. If you have any questions, please do. This item is in the category “Toys & Hobbies\Vintage & Antique Toys\Cast Iron”. The seller is “sydowsantiques” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Eclipse
- Type: Cook Stove
- Year: 1920
- Material: Cast Iron
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Antique monarch wood /coal. Oven water inserts, built in the early 1900’s
Antique monarch wood /coal.. Oven water inserts, built in the early 1900’s. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “cosmickitty1″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Antique: Yes
- Installation: Freestanding
- Number of Burners: 2
- Color: Pink
- Material: Cast Iron
- Item Depth: 20″
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Surface: Cast Plate
- Vintage: No
- Brand: Monarch
- Type: Cooking Stove
- Item Height: Oven 40″ with stand
- Model: coal oven
- Number of Ovens: 1
- Features: Baking Oven, Simmering Plate, Steam Cooking Function
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Finish: Shiny
Antique monarch wood /coal. Oven water inserts, built in the early 1900’s
Antique monarch wood /coal.. Oven water inserts, built in the early 1900’s. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “cosmickitty1″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Antique: Yes
- Installation: Freestanding
- Number of Burners: 2
- Color: Pink
- Material: Cast Iron
- Item Depth: 20″
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Surface: Cast Plate
- Vintage: No
- Brand: Monarch
- Type: Cooking Stove
- Item Height: Oven 40″ with stand
- Model: coal oven
- Number of Ovens: 1
- Features: Baking Oven, Simmering Plate, Steam Cooking Function
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Finish: Shiny
Griswold No 501 Cast Iron Single Burner Gas Stove Rare Kitchen Camping Early Vtg
Shows age, wear, patina, minor staining, minor marks, dings. Please view all photos. Zoom in on photos for a close-up view. Thank you for your support! We are a family-run business, and work hard to provide the best customer service possible. We will always do our absolute best to resolve an issue, and be honest and fair in any situation. It will be carefully packaged. The item “GRISWOLD NO 501 CAST IRON SINGLE BURNER GAS STOVE RARE KITCHEN CAMPING EARLY VTG” is in sale since Friday, June 18, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Cookware\Other Collectible Cookware”. The seller is “bird-dogmusic” and is located in Bloomington, Indiana. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, South africa, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, Ukraine, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa rica, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Antigua and barbuda, Aruba, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Montserrat, Turks and caicos islands, Barbados, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Ecuador, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Cayman islands, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Maldives, Nicaragua, Oman, Peru, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Viet nam, Uruguay, Dominican republic, El salvador.
- Brand: Griswold
Early Birmingham Stove Range / BSR Cast Iron Skillet Set #3, 5, 8, Restored
Set of three Birmingham Stove & Range (BSR) cast iron skillets. Sizes #3 (7″ / oversized for a #3), #5 (8-1/8″), & #8 (10-5/8). There are no cracks, breaks, etc. These all sit pretty flat with only extremely minor movement if you catch just the right pressure / angle on a flat surface. A few utensil marks, scratches, etc. In all the skillets and there may be a casting flaw or some other staining here or there. They have not been used since the restoration process. Pictures were taken outside in natural light and are a big part of the description. Very nice set of skillets from the Red Mountain series. These are the very early ones with the wide spouts and hand scrawled numbers / letters…. Really wonderful set of skillets. I’ve restored hundreds of pieces of cast iron cookware. All go through lye to remove any crud, organic material, seasoning, etc. Then I run them through the electrolysis process to remove any corrosion, rust, impurities, etc. They are scrubbed by hand using dish liquid, stainless steel scouring pads, stainless steel brushes, and magic erasers under cold water to bring them back to the bare metal finish. Finally, all pieces are run through three rounds of seasoning using vegetable shortening. Cast iron cookware will last hundreds of years and generations if properly taken care of. These are beautiful, heirloom quality pieces made right here in the USA. Will be bubble wrapped and surrounded by packing material to ensure that they don’t shift in transit. They are not making cookware like this anymore, and I would consider it tragic if anything were to happen to these in transit. They will be packed very well. Just contact me before to make sure we can make arrangements that work for both of us, just message me to edit the listing. If you have any questions, need additional pictures, or anything else please message me. Thank you for viewing this listing. The item “Early Birmingham Stove Range / BSR Cast Iron Skillet Set #3, 5, 8, Restored” is in sale since Saturday, April 11, 2020. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Cookware\Other Collectible Cookware”. The seller is “twoo32″ and is located in Indiana, Pennsylvania. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Brand: Birmingham Stove & Range
Early 1900’s Tandy Wood or Electric Stove, economical 250 Watt infrared Heater
Our other treasures, go to visit store. Or come by and visit us personally in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of N. Our store is located at the foot of Stover Mountain on Big Creek Rd. This Tandy Wood/Electric Stove came from a local estate. This heater is a modified item, used but has been stored for some time and seems to be in good general condition, finished in High Heat Black. Measures at 21″ Depth X 27″ Height X 20 wide. We are located North Of Atlanta Zip code 30536.. THEY COME TO OUR BUSINESS AND DRIVE TO YOUR DOOR!! HAD SEVERAL PIECES DELIVERED THIS WAY, NO MUSS NO FUSS! We’re based at. Cartecay Trading Post, located at. 3715 Big Creek Rd. We have lots of items for sale or trade. Please submit any and ALL offers – your offer may be accepted! Submit your offer today! Note: All items on our store are also for sale locally. We would Estimate the skid to be approx. Tall x 2 Ft. And weigh 80 lbs. The item “Early 1900’s Tandy Wood or Electric Stove, economical 250 Watt infrared Heater” is in sale since Tuesday, November 3, 2020. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Fireplaces & Stoves\Fireplace & Stove Accessories”. The seller is “cartesailing” and is located in Ellijay, Georgia. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- MPN: N/A
- Item Width: 20 in
- Item Height: 27 in
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Material: Steel
- Model: Tandy
- Construction: Single Wall
- Item Weight: 80
- Application: Wood Stove
- Brand: Tandy
- Style: Farmhouse
- Color: Black
- Item Depth: 21 in
- Type: Wood/Electric Heater
Griswold Early Single Burner Cast Iron Stove #501 Fully Restored
Griswold Cast Iron Single Burner Stove, fully restored. It is in beautiful condition. It has beautiful detailing on the legs. Please see pics for further description and reach out with any questions. The item “Griswold Early Single Burner Cast Iron Stove #501 Fully Restored” is in sale since Sunday, March 14, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Kitchenware\Cookware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “nan-tiquescollectibles” and is located in Trenton, Michigan. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Modified Item: No
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Material: Cast Iron
- Brand: Griswold
UNIVERSAL CRIBBEN & SEXTON Coal & Gas Cast Iron Wood Stove & Range Early 1900s
UNIVERSAL CRIBBEN & SEXTON Coal & Gas Stove And Range Antique Early 1900s. Simplex Coal & Gas No. All pieces included are pictured. Several pieces are damaged, broken, rusted and cracked. Pieces and parts may be missing. Fire box needs replaced. Really nice looking stove. The item “UNIVERSAL CRIBBEN & SEXTON Coal & Gas Cast Iron Wood Stove & Range Early 1900s” is in sale since Sunday, January 10, 2021. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “2012michellelynn” and is located in Jefferson, Arkansas. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- Maker: Cribben And Sexton Company
- Color: Blue