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- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
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- heritage
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- hiflame
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- history
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- horseflame
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- made
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- simplicty
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Daily Archives: December 7, 2021
For Land Rover Range Rover Front & Rear Drill Slot Brake Rotors & Ceramic Pads
FITS THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES. Fits: Land Rover LR3 2005 – 2009 (V8 Models ONLY) Land Rover Range Rover Sport 2006 – 2009 (HSE Models with 4.4L V8). JOIN THOUSANDS OF OUR HIGHLY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. Please read all fitment information provided above to verify your vehicle has the correct parts. All rotors are precision machined for exact OEM In-stock replacement. Please dont forget to read proper fitment information listed in the check vehicle fits section listed above for your vehicles correct parts. Our Brakemotive brake pads are only included in applicable listings. Please always check the Whats Included section for more information regarding BrakeMotive quality brake pads. Compared to competitors our pads are unmatched in the market. HIGHEST QUALITY VALUE FOR YOUR BUCK. The BrakeMotive brake pads are of highest quality and prevent frequent issues as well as maintenance. This includes issues such as dust, rim coloration, and the overall life expectancy of your brake related parts. Best non-ferrous compound (Non-Metal) for fast break-in. More Quiet braking power. CERAMIC: QUIET, LOW DUST, CERAMIC FORMULA. Made from original equipment spec’s. RUB YOUR FINGER, IS IT DUSTY? Sign of poor noise insulation. CERAMIC: FEEL THE EDGES, SEE THE COLOR? Harsh metal compound (Ferrous) means slow break-in and more dust. Single layer metal shim means more noise & uneven caliper connection. Kinetic rotors are designed for optimum rotor cooling and durability with one cooling hole per vane. This also provides superior strength to avoid cracking. This insures that the hottest part of the rotor gets cooled. The fact is that the drill holes greatly improve convection heat transfer and the result is more brake pad bite. LEADING IN VALUE AND PERFORMANCE. Cross-drilled rotors keep the brakes up to 150 degress cooler to prevent rotor warping. Therefore your pads last even longer and your rotors still look good. ACTUAL SILVER ZINC PLATING. Electro-Chemical Zinc Plating is the best way to protect metal from rust. Some brands use a light oil / grease film coating over the rotors. Our premium Kinetic Ceramic brake pads offer superior resistance to fade without the noise and dust associated with metal brake pads. Some ceramic brake pad brands need to be very abrasive on the rotor. A high quality rotor is recommended with ceramic pads. Most new vehicles come with ceramic brake pads from the factory. WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Chromium (hexavalent compounds), Lead and lead compounds, Antimony oxide (Antimony trioxide), and Nickel (Metallic), which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Chromium (hexavalent compounds) which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. UNMATCHED IN THE MARKET. Brakemotive test brakes to the limit to assure the very best in performance and safety. Kinetic rotors and Brakemotive brake pads give you extreme stopping power that is unmatched in the market. All pads are made using positive mold technology for quiet, consistent braking. The brake pads are also chamfered and slotted like the OE, and include with noise preventing dual layer shims. There are many different brands of ceramic brakes, and some manufacturers sell ceramic brakes that have metal in them. A true ceramic brake pads no ferrous metal in it. There is a wide range of brake performance with different ceramic brands. DUAL LAYER RUBBER SHIM. Prevents noisy brake squeal with up to six times more vibration insulation than today’s plain steel shims. THERMAL SCORCHED FOR FAST BREAK-IN. The following Ceramic brake Pads have been thermal scorched to offer superior resistance to fade without the noise & dust associated with quality metallic pads. PREMIUM CERAMIC BRAKE PAD COMPOUND. Provides up to 20% more stopping power than other leading brands. Our Ceramic pads are 100% percent premium ceramic. Friction mix is deposited direct in the hot press mold so it flows evenly and maintains the same density. Posi-Mold parts enable consistent fade free performance without noise or squealing. FOLLOW STEPS FOR PROPER BREAK-IN. The break-in procedure is critical to superior braking performance. A proper break-in is to establish an even layer of friction material deposited on the rotors from the brake pads. Break-in new brake pads/rotors using the pad bedding procedure as follows. Proper Pad bedding can prevent rotor warping. Do not come to a complete stop. The brakes to cool. Before the brakes cool. Expect a smell of resin as brakes are hot. With moderate brake use, allowing the heated brakes to. LONG LASTING HIGH QUALITY ROTORS. Cross-drilled rotors can improve stopping power up to 35% over stock rotors as reported in SAE Technical Paper 2006-01-0691. The effect of rotors cross-drilled brake performance. That is why Corvette, Porsche. Mercedes and BMW vehicles come with factory direct with drilled and slotted rotors, i. Not dimpled or slotted. High rotor temperature can cause heat spots to form in the rotor, and this causes pulsating brakes. Cross-drilled rotors keep the brakes up to 150 degrees cooler to prevent rotor warping. OPTIMUM COOLING / DURABILITY. WARNING:This product can expose you to chemicals including Chromium (hexavalent compounds) and Nickel (Metallic), which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Chromium (hexavalent compounds) which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. ROUNDED SLOTS ARE BETTER! Every slot is chamfered for a smooth linear transition at the edge. Electro-chemical plating is the best way to protect metal from rust. Some brands use painted rotors that peel or discolor when the rotors get hot. Zinc Plating Does Not Apply To Hub and Rotor Assemblies! Please see item specifics above for details on surface finish. DRILL HOLES PREVENT ROTOR WARPING. Drill holes allow air to flow over and through the vanes to improve convection heat transfer and keep the rotors up to 150 degrees cooler. Our premium rotors are designed with several cooling vanes that keep the rotor from long term negative effects such as warping. PREVENT ROTOR & CALIPER DAMAGE. Customers who choose BrakeMotive, experience cleaner wheels, and easy “Brake-pad-swap-out” Try BrakeMotive for performance brake parts. Most vehicles (hardware included if applicable). PERFORMANCE KITS ARE THE WAY TO GO. Brakemotive parts = High Performance! /// front & rear kits = one time job experience! Each of our Brake Motive products are 100% certified and tested to insure product satisfaction. In the following charts we have listed our premium brake pads in a carefully analyzed testing procedure over a period of 1430 typical foot to pedal braking stops. Our Brake Pads offer sustainable braking power, that has been performance tested to withstand harsh braking environments. Our Ceramic and metallic brake pads are leading in the market providing long lasting quality brakes. BRAKEMOTIVE LEADS IN PERFORMANCE. Our Kinetic ceramic brake pads are top quality for performance and customer expectations for not only our brand leading performing brakes, but an enduring quiet and more smooth riding experience. Brakemotive is one of the largest brake supplier in North America, with over 350,000 satisfied customers. We only sell premium performance brake kits to assure the very best quality. Because of our large volume, we can offer steep price discounts. In most cases, the delivered price of our perfomance rotor and ceramic brake pad kits is at or below the cost of equivalent plain rotors and brake pads from your neighborhood retail store. Experienced engineering team uses advanced CAD (computer aided design) software to configure the rotor drill holes and slots for best optimum braking. We machine the rotors with state-of-the-art CNC (computer numerical controlled) machines in our mid-west plant with strict quality control. We guarantee a perfect fit to your vehicle, but please check the part fitments information in this listing before your order. Brakemotive products must be installed per the manufacturers instructions. The Brakemotive team members are available to answer your questions Monday through Friday from 8:30am CST to 6:00pm CST and Saturday from 9:30am CST to 4:30pm CST. If you can’t find the parts for your vehicle, just give us a call. Brakemotive it our responsibility to keep our customers 100% satisfied. PERFORMANCE KITS FRONT + REAR. At Brakemotive replacement parts are always in stock. Brakemotive is one of the largest brake suppliers in North America, with over 350,000 satisfied customers. Not to worry, your order will still get to you quickly and efficiently! Additional charges may be incurred for international callers, please contact your provider for more details. Times vary by country. INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE NOT ELIGBLE FOR THE CALIPER CORE RETURN PROGRAM. ALL PARTS MADE TO U. How many brake pads are in a “set”? On listings for front or rear only, one set refers to four individual brake pads, enough for the entire front or rear axle of the vehicle. Front and rear kit listings come with eight individual brake pads, enough for all four wheels of the vehicle. Is the brake rotor picture the same as the rotor I will receive? The photo in the listing is a generic representation of the item you will receive. With over 1700 different part numbers, it is not possible for us to post unique pictures for each application due to graphic storage space limitations. Are any modifications necessary to make these rotors fit my vehicle? No modifications or alterations are needed in order to install our brakes. All parts are designed to be direct original equipment replacement parts with simple bolt-on installation. Metallic Vs Ceramic Brake Pads? Ceramic pads are quieter, however, metallic pads are more appropriate from constant tough braking like trucking, hauling, intense highway driving or racing. Will I get Tracking Information? Are the drilled holes and slots directional? Yes, the rotors are machined based on their orientation on the vehicle. Driver’s side (left) and passenger’s side(right) have unique patterns so the slot trails toward the back of the vehicle. What causes rotor warping? Rotor warping is cause from lack of maintenance to a vehicle rotors brakes calipers, and other braking components. Do I have solid rotors or vented rotors? Solid rotors usually contain a single thin solid metal braking surface. Vented rotors have vents/vanes between two solid rotor surfaces. The item “For Land Rover Range Rover Front & Rear Drill Slot Brake Rotors & Ceramic Pads” is in sale since Monday, December 30, 2019. This item is in the category “eBay Motors\Parts & Accessories\Car & Truck Parts & Accessories\Brakes & Brake Parts\Brake Disc Rotors”. The seller is “brakemotive76″ and is located in Chicago, Illinois. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, South africa, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, Ukraine, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa rica, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Antigua and barbuda, Aruba, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Montserrat, Turks and caicos islands, Barbados, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Ecuador, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Cayman islands, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Maldives, Nicaragua, Oman, Peru, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Viet nam, Uruguay, Dominican republic, El salvador.
- Brand: Brakemotive
- Placement on Vehicle: Front
- Rotor Style: Drilled, Slotted
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Brake Disc Rotor
- Manufacturer Part Number: BM3571326037
- Manufacturer Warranty: 10 Years
- Interchange Part Number: SDB000614
- Surface Finish: Silver Zinc Dichromate
- Other Part Number: brake discs
- Year Range: 05;06;07;08;09
- Front Rotor Size (inch): 13.27
- Rear Rotor Size (inch): 13.78
- Lug Count: 5
- Solid Or Vented Front Rotor: VENTED
- Solid Or Vented Rear Rotor: VENTED
- Front Rotor Weight (Lb p/rotor): 24.91
- Rear Rotor Weight (Lb p/rotor): 19.51
- Images: Images Are Examples, Product (Pad Color) May Vary.
- Front Lug / Bolt Circle: 5 x 120.3mm
- Rear Lug / Bolt Circle: 5 x 120mm