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- 000btu
- 03-05
- 100mm
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- 19th
- 19thc
- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
- 4-burner
- 4-oven
- 40cm
- 45qt
- 47×60
- 485×495
- 50×305
- 55-lb
- 555x41cm
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- er7i
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- first
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- heater
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- hereford
- heritage
- hicks
- hiflame
- high
- highly
- hike
- historic
- history
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- homemade
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- horseflame
- hours
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- hudson
- huge
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- made
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Tag Archives: us1269e
US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Ft. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove NEW
54,000 BTUs heats up to 900 Sq. 2-Piece safety handle remains cool while the stove is burning while heavy duty cast iron construction provides classic style with modern technology. Accepts logs up to 19 in length. Integrated 6.25 inch cooking surface on top. Not approved for use in mobile or modular homes. The US Stove Company US1269E is a rustic, heavy duty, cast iron constructed, wood stove that is ideal for any rugged outdoorsman, those with a nostalgic taste, or someone simply looking for reliable, cost efficient, heating. Inside this rugged exterior is a modern EPA certified wood-burning stove providing a clean burning heating solution. It is perfect for log cabins, large garages and shops. This stove is durability defined. The US1269E has unequaled life expectancy and is easy to use. The US1269E replaces previous US Stove model 1269E wood stove.
US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Ft. Log Wood Cast Iron Small, Black
US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Log Wood Cast Iron Small, Black. 54,000 BTUs heats up to 900 Sq. 2-Piece safety handle remains cool while the stove is burning while heavy duty cast iron construction provides classic style with modern technology. Accepts logs up to 19 in length. Integrated 6.25 inch cooking surface on top. Not approved for use in mobile or modular homes. The US Stove Company US1269E is a rustic, heavy duty, cast iron constructed, wood stove that is ideal for any rugged outdoorsman, those with a nostalgic taste, or someone simply looking for reliable, cost efficient, heating. Inside this rugged exterior is a modern EPA certified wood-burning stove providing a clean burning heating solution. It is perfect for log cabins, large garages and shops. This stove is durability defined. The US1269E has unequaled life expectancy and is easy to use. The US1269E replaces previous US Stove model 1269E wood stove.
US1269E 900 Sq. Ft. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove
54,000 BTUs heats up to 900 Sq. 2-Piece safety handle remains cool while the stove is burning while heavy duty cast iron construction provides classic style with modern technology. Accepts logs up to 19 in length. Integrated 6.25 inch cooking surface on top. Not approved for use in mobile or modular homes. The US Stove Company US1269E is a rustic, heavy duty, cast iron constructed, wood stove that is ideal for any rugged outdoorsman, those with a nostalgic taste, or someone simply looking for reliable, cost efficient, heating. Inside this rugged exterior is a modern EPA certified wood-burning stove providing a clean burning heating solution. It is perfect for log cabins, large garages and shops. This stove is durability defined. The US1269E has unequaled life expectancy and is easy to use. The US1269E replaces previous US Stove model 1269E wood stove.
Vogelzang Cast Iron Wood Stove 54,000 BTU, EPA 2020 Certified, Model# US1269E
Vogelzang Cast Iron Wood Stove – 54,000 BTU, EPA 2020 Certified, Model# US1269E. Northern Tool Item# 97824. 140.0000 lb(s). The Vogelzang Cast Iron Wood Stove is a heavy-duty unit that heats up to 900 sq. Ft, so it’s ideal for log cabins, large garages and shops. It is tested and certified to UL Safety Standard 1482 for peace of mind and safety assurance. This stove accepts 19in. Logs and has a 6in. It offers a long life expectancy and is easy to use. Assembled Depth: 25.75 in, Assembled Height: 30.5 in, Assembled Width: 21.5 in, Blower Included: No, EPA Certified: Yes, Heat Output: 54,000 Btu/hour, Heating Capability: 900 ft², Log Capacity Length: 19 in, Product Weight: 125 lb. Heats up to 900 sq. Ideal for log cabins, large garages and shops. Tested and certified to UL Safety Standard 1482. Durable and easy to use. Cannot be installed in mobile homes. All orders will contain an invoice/receipt. IMPORTANT: We will not honor requests to remove invoices or receipts from packages. We may already have an answer to your question! We reserve the right to correct ad errors and/or omissions. Pricing and availability is subject to change without notice.
US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Ft. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove
54,000 BTUs heats up to 900 Sq. 2-Piece safety handle remains cool while the stove is burning while heavy duty cast iron construction provides classic style with modern technology. Accepts logs up to 19 in length. Integrated 6.25 inch cooking surface on top. Not approved for use in mobile or modular homes. The US Stove Company US1269E is a rustic, heavy duty, cast iron constructed, wood stove that is ideal for any rugged outdoorsman, those with a nostalgic taste, or someone simply looking for reliable, cost efficient, heating. Inside this rugged exterior is a modern EPA certified wood-burning stove providing a clean burning heating solution. It is perfect for log cabins, large garages and shops. This stove is durability defined. The US1269E has unequaled life expectancy and is easy to use. The US1269E replaces previous US Stove model 1269E wood stove.
US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Ft. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove
US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove.
US1269E 900 Sq. Ft. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove
54,000 BTUs heats up to 900 Sq. 2-Piece safety handle remains cool while the stove is burning while heavy duty cast iron construction provides classic style with modern technology. Accepts logs up to 19 in length. Integrated 6.25 inch cooking surface on top. Not approved for use in mobile or modular homes. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Fireplaces & Stoves\Heating Stoves”. The seller is “jostinav_0″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: US Stove
- Type: Wood Burning Stoves
- BTU Heating Rating: 54000 British Thermal Units
- Color: Black
- Model: US1269E
- Style: Modern
- Material: Cast Iron
- Item Length: 33 x 18.5 x 23 inches
- Item Depth: 33 x 18.5 x 23 inches
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Item Weight: 128.7 pounds
- Fuel Type: Wood
NEW US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Ft. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove, Black 54K BTU
US STOVE MODEL US1269E. BRAND NEW IN BOX. The US Stove Company US1269E is a rustic, heavy duty, cast iron constructed, wood stove that is ideal for any rugged outdoorsman, those with a nostalgic taste or someone simply looking for reliable, cost efficient, heating. Inside this rugged exterior is a modern 2020 EPA certified stove providing a clean burning heating solution. It is perfect for log cabins, large garages and shops. This stove is durability defined. Tested and certified to U. 1482 by Warnock Hersey international for greater peace of mind and safety assurance. It has unequaled life expectancy and is easy to use. The US1269E replaces previous US stove model 1269E wood stove. PO LE B CHE 900 PI 54 000 BTU. Firebox Opening Size:10.91 in H x 10 in W x 18.19 in D. Heating Capacity:54000 Btu. Height:25.6 in. Log Length:19 in. Width:21.89 in. Integrated cooking surface on top. Replaces US stove company previous model 1269E. Not approved for use in mobile or modular homes. 2-piece safety handle remains cool while the stove is burning. 54,000 Btu heats up to 900 sq-ft. Meets all 2020 EPA Guidelines while burning cordwood. Heavy duty cast iron construction provides classic style with modern technology. The item “NEW US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Ft. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove, Black 54K BTU” is in sale since Wednesday, December 1, 2021. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Fireplaces & Stoves\Heating Stoves”. The seller is “goodplace2shop” and is located in Jonesville, North Carolina. This item can be shipped to United States.
- UPC: 689745224133
- EAN: 0689745224133
- Binding: Kitchen
- Publisher: US Stove Company
- ProductGroup: Home
- PartNumber: US1269E
- NumberOfItems: 1
- Manufacturer: US Stove Company
- Label: US Stove Company
- ISBN: Not Applicable
- Year Manufactured: 2020
- MPN: US1269E
- Suitable For: Indoor
- Color: Black
- Brand: Solo Stove
- Mounting: Freestanding
- Assembly Required: Yes
- Fuel Type: Wood
- BTU Heating Rating: 54000 BTU
- Room: Kitchen
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Wood Burning Stove
- Model: US Stove US1269E
US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Ft. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove, Black
US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove, Black. 54, 000 BTUs heats up to 900 Sq. 2-Piece safety handle remains cool while the stove is burning while heavy duty cast iron construction provides classic style with modern technology. Accepts logs up to 19 in length. 25 inch cooking surface on top. Not approved for use in mobile or modular homes. The item “US Stove US1269E 900 Sq. Ft. Log Wood Cast Iron Stove, Black” is in sale since Monday, November 22, 2021. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Fireplaces & Stoves\Heating Stoves”. The seller is “sam.ree” and is located in Abingdon, Maryland. This item can be shipped to United States.
- UPC: 689745224133
- EAN: 0689745224133
- Binding: Kitchen
- Publisher: US Stove Company
- ProductGroup: Home
- PartNumber: US1269E
- NumberOfItems: 1
- Manufacturer: US Stove Company
- Label: US Stove Company
- ISBN: Not Applicable
- Year Manufactured: 2020
- MPN: US1269E
- Suitable For: Indoor
- Color: Black
- Brand: Solo Stove
- Mounting: Freestanding
- Assembly Required: Yes
- Fuel Type: Wood
- BTU Heating Rating: 54000 BTU
- Room: Kitchen
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Wood Burning Stove
- Model: US Stove US1269E