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- 2469e
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- 26×35
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- 32''
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- 33×495
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Tag Archives: steak
Reversible Cast Iron Grill Griddle Pan Hamburger Steak Stove Top Fry 13.5-inches

Reversible Cast Iron Grill Griddle Pan Hamburger Steak Stove Top Fry 13.5-inches. Our Pre-Seasoned Cast-Iron 13.5 inch Pizza Pan brings luxury cookware to your kitchen. This round 13.5 inch Pizza Pan is seasoned and ready to use. Perfect for cooking Pizza. Its 13.5 inch size provides ample cooking space, and can be used in the oven or over a campfire. Griddles are a type of cooking surface that is essential to almost every kitchen and are used in homes and restaurants worldwide. Because they are able to handle high heat, griddles are often used over an open fire in hunting camps and family camping trips. Griddles are used wherever high heat is needed and the item being cooked is relatively flat. Pancakes, tortillas, French toast and eggs are favorite griddle cooking items. Grilled cheese, Reuben and hamburgers are a few of the many types of sandwiches cooked on griddles. How to Clean the Cast Iron. Never use soap on cast iron cookware. After cooking and while the pan is still hot, run some hot water into it and sit it back on the stove for a few minutes. After a brief period of de-glazing, drain it and sprinkle it liberally with table salt. Wash with a cloth and a little hot water. Rinse with hot water and dry thoroughly. Allow the pot to air-dry for a while and lightly grease the inside with your fingers or a paper towel. All our cast iron cookware is LEAD FREE. Diameter of the pizza pan is 13.5-inches; round cast-iron reversible griddle provides exceptional heat retention and distribution; sturdy handles leave ample room for convenient hanging when not in use. Round cast iron griddle provides exceptional heat retention and distribution; sturdy handles leave ample room for convenient hanging when not in use. Pre seasoned and ready to use with vegetable oil evenly baked into surface; it can leach some iron into your food and that’s a good thing. The griddle has the advantage of being able to cook more than one item at a time; several sandwiches, pancakes or bacon and eggs can be fixed to feed several people at once, with only one pan to clean afterward. Wash with a cloth and a little hot water; air-dry dry thoroughly; lightly grease the inside with your fingers or a paper towel; never use soap. We offer free expedited within 48 continental U. We cannot accept P. Please provide physical address and check that it’s right address before purchasing. If you receive damaged or wrong item, return or replace is free for you. IT IS NOT OUR INTENTION TO MISLEAD BUYERS INTO PURCHASING OUR ITEMS, SO PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY. The item “Reversible Cast Iron Grill Griddle Pan Hamburger Steak Stove Top Fry 13.5-inches” is in sale since Sunday, January 22, 2017. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Kitchen, Dining & Bar\Small Kitchen Appliances\Grills & Griddles”. The seller is “home_art_and_kitchen” and is located in East Pharsalia, New York. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Type: Griddle
- Brand: Reversible Cast Iron Grill Griddle
- Color: Black
- Model: 11 x 20.4 x 1.2 inches
- Power: 0
- Country/Region of Manufacture: Unknown

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Posted in reversible
Tagged 135-inches, cast, griddle, grill, hamburger, iron, reversible, steak, stove
NEW Reversible Cast Iron Grill Griddle Pan Hamburger Steak Stove Top Fry Burner

NEW Reversible Cast Iron Grill Griddle Pan Hamburger Steak Stove Top Fry Burner. About the Product: What could be better than a reversible griddle? The smooth side is great for making grilled cheese sandwiches as well as eggs, pancakes and french toast. The ribbed side is perfect for grilling foods such as steak, fish, chicken and hamburgers. The food sits above the grease making your cooking experience much healthier. Seasoned and ready to use. 16-3/16″ x 9-7/16″ x 1/2 The following use and care instructions for Lodge Seasoned Cast Iron will help your cookware last a lifetime. If you do Nothing Else… Dry immediatelyeven before first use. Rub with a light coat of vegetable oil after every wash. Enough to restore the sheen, without being sticky. To keep the iron seasoned and protected from moisture. SeasoningIt isn’t Salt and Pepper Seasoning is vegetable oil baked onto the iron at a high temperature: not a chemical non-stick coating. Seasoning creates the natural, easy-release properties. The more you cook, the better it gets. Because you create, maintain, and even repair the seasoning, your cookware can last 100 years or more. Chemical non-stick coating cannot be repaired, limiting lifespan. Lodge Cast Iron is right at home on induction, ceramic, electric and gas cooktops, in your oven, on the grill, or even over the campfire. Do not use in the microwave. On glass or ceramic cooktops, lift cookware; never slide it. Our cookware is safe at high temperatures; use metal, wood, or hi-temp silicone utensils. Some foods may stick to new cookware (especially eggs). Use a little extra oil or butter until youve built up the seasoning. Acidic foods like tomatoes, beans, and certain sauces can damage seasoning, and should be avoided until the seasoning is well-established. Cast Iron rarely needs to go above a medium heat setting when properly pre-heated. For the times when you do cook at higher temperatures, bring the pan to temperature gradually and add oil to just before adding food to prevent sticking. Our handles get hot; use mitts. Use trivets to protect countertops from hot cookware. To Soap or not to Soap… If no soap is too scary, wash with mild soapy water and dry and oil immediately. However, consider that cookware is 400ºF in 4 minutes on medium heat and is sterile at 212º F, so soap isnt always necessary. Dishwashers, strong detergents and metal scouring pads are not recommended, as they remove seasoning. Don’t Panic, it’s not Broken Without protective seasoning iron can rust. Its really easy to fix. Scour the rust, rinse, dry, and rub with a little vegetable oil. If problem persists, you will need to thoroughly remove all rust and follow our re-seasoning instructions (below). Refurbish Your Finish While maintaining the seasoning should keep your Cast Iron and Carbon Steel in good condition, at some point you may need to re-season your cookware. If food sticks to the surface, or you notice a dull, gray color, repeat the seasoning process: Wash the cookware with hot, soapy water and a stiff brush. (It is okay to use soap this time because you are preparing to re-season the cookware). Rinse and dry completely. Apply a very thin, even coating of MELTED solid vegetable shortening (or cooking oil of your choice) to the cookware inside and out. Too much oil will result in a sticky finish. Place aluminum foil on the bottom rack of the oven (not directly on bottom) to catch any drips. Set oven temperature to 350 400 degrees F. Place cookware upside down on the top rack of the oven to prevent pooling. Bake the cookware for at least one hour. After the hour, turn the oven off and let the cookware cool in the oven. Store the cookware uncovered, in a dry place when cooled. Check out this helpful video too. Some Basics Gas flames should not extend up the sides of cookware. Match pan size to burner size. Dont use in the microwave. When deep frying, fill cookware only to 1/3 of capacity. Reversible smooth and ribbed sides. Cast iron for superior heat retention and versatility. 16-3/4 x 9-1/2 x 1/2 Inch. APO/FPOs are definitely excluded. PO Boxes: Please include a physical street address. Your order will be delayed if a physical address is not provided. We will make sure to resolve your issue quickly. We promise we can make you happy if you give us a fair chance. The item “NEW Reversible Cast Iron Grill Griddle Pan Hamburger Steak Stove Top Fry Burner” is in sale since Friday, March 11, 2016. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Kitchen, Dining & Bar\Small Kitchen Appliances\Grills & Griddles”. The seller is “cutting-edge-retailer” and is located in Multiple Locations. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Type: Griddle
- Brand: Lodge
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

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Posted in reversible
Tagged burner, cast, griddle, grill, hamburger, iron, reversible, steak, stove