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- 000btu
- 03-05
- 100mm
- 11kw
- 139000-btu
- 13kw
- 1400w
- 14kw
- 150000btu
- 1500w
- 16kw
- 1800s
- 1800w
- 1850's
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- 19th
- 19thc
- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
- 4-burner
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- 47×60
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- heritage
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- hiflame
- high
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- hike
- historic
- history
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- horseflame
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- look
- looking
- lopi
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- lsg4513st
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- macro
- made
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- making
- malm
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- melting
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- mid-1800's
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- miniature
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- model
- modern
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- nice
- night
- nitro
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- only
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- or30sdbmx1-fisher
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- seared
- sears
- season
- seasoned
- seasoning
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- sets
- sexton's
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- shipmate
- shipping
- shoe
- shorts
- should
- showstopper
- sidney
- sierra
- silent
- similar
- simple
- simplicty
- single
- sirloin
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- small
- smeg
- soapstone
- soda
- solo
- soot
- sous
- southern
- span
- spark
- spontaneous
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- stoker
- stop
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- stoves
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Tag Archives: hibachi
Vintage LODGE Cast Iron SPORTSMAN GRILL Hibachi BBQ Camp Stove
Box has water damage and one peice is slightly rusted but this grill has never been used. Brand new in box, see photos. Introducing a vintage Lodge cast iron sportsman grill, perfect for outdoor cooking and camping. This high-quality grill is made of durable cast iron material and comes with a number of useful features such as a single rack, black color, medium size, and a weight of 30 lb. Additionally, this grill is designed with a griddle material that helps to distribute heat evenly, making it easy to cook delicious and evenly cooked meals. It requires no assembly and, being manufactured in the United States, it is the perfect choice for those who value quality and design.
Cast Iron BBQ Grill Heavy Duty Tabletop Small Charcoal Stove Smoker Hibachi Mini
Cast Iron BBQ Grill. This premium heavy duty cast iron grill is prefect for indoor and outdoor use. The mini charcoal grill is designed for 2-3 people. The handles can be installed in two different directions and the grill can be raised or lowered to control the temperature as needed. Made of premium heavy duty cast iron, with anti-rust treatment. Ideal for family use, especially when camping or tailgating, it is very easy to carry and store. Perfect for 2-3 people. Very functional barbecue grill. 9.5″ H x 15.7″ L x 13.8 W. Measurements: Grill : 12″ L x 7″ W. We provide Excellent Customer Service! Large items may take 1-3 days longer. Your Satisfaction is our Priority! We will do our best to work with you to resolve any issues. All items are IN STOCK at time of listing. All Electrical Products including kitchen appliances, home video, audio systems, power tools, etc. Are USA standard Plug ins and operate at 100-200 Voltage. If the voltage in your country is not within the 100-200 Volt range, please make sure that you have a power transformer ready before you use the product. Cast Iron BBQ Grill Heavy Duty Tabletop Small Charcoal Stove Smoker Hibachi Mini June 2021. The item “Cast Iron BBQ Grill Heavy Duty Tabletop Small Charcoal Stove Smoker Hibachi Mini” is in sale since Sunday, August 15, 2021. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Outdoor Heating, Cooking & Eating\Barbecues, Grills & Smokers”. The seller is “super.finds” and is located in United States. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Item Depth: 13.8 in
- Item Height: 9.5 in
- Item Width: 15.7 in
- Assembly Required: Yes
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Cast Iron BBQ
- Color: Black
- MPN: Does Not Apply
- Finish: Black
- Grill Size: Small
- Fuel Type: Charcoal
- Number of Burners: Grill
- Item Weight: 12 lb
- Brand: Cast Iron BBQ
- Griddle Material: Cast Iron
Universal Products Cast Iron Hibachi Footed Cook Grill Stove Warmer Campfire
Universal Products Cast Iron Hibachi Footed Cook Grill Stove Warmer Campfire? Given the design of this stove, I cant be sure what to call it. With its open sides and bottom, you would think that it has to sit inside a fire surrounded by coals. The cast iron box has a grate in the bottom and the top is made up of three panels. There is a company name on the side that looks like Universal Products, but it is difficult to make out. The stove measures about 18 1/2 x 11 1/2 and stands 13 tall. Although it displays surface rust all over, the stove shows minimal signs of actual use. Free of chips, cracks or repairs, the stove is in otherwise great condition. Not quite fitting the portable category, the grill weighs in at about 45 pounds. The item “Universal Products Cast Iron Hibachi Footed Cook Grill Stove Warmer Campfire” is in sale since Tuesday, May 11, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Cookware\Other Collectible Cookware”. The seller is “nozzle” and is located in Kansas City, Missouri. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Universal Products
Birmingham Stove Works Sportsman Cast Iron Grill BBQ Outdoors Hibachi
Ready For R&R (Restoration & Ribs) Clean it up – And load it up!!!! Solid, Heavy and Compact Original Birmingham Stove Works Tabletop Sportsman Cast Iron Grill BBQ Outdoors Hibachi. The stove has (3) legs in a triangular pattern. The item “Birmingham Stove Works Sportsman Cast Iron Grill BBQ Outdoors Hibachi” is in sale since Tuesday, January 26, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Kitchenware\Cookware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “e*mossman” and is located in Saint Louis, Missouri. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Material: Cast Iron
- Brand: Lodge
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Posted in birmingham
Tagged birmingham, cast, grill, hibachi, iron, outdoors, sportsman, stove, works
CAST IRON GRILL Pre-Seasoned Charcoal Stove Cooking Hibachi Outdoor Camping Picn
CAST IRON GRILL Pre-Seasoned Charcoal Stove Cooking Hibachi Outdoor Camping Picn. This rugged, charcoal hibachi-style grill is perfect for picnics, tailgating and car camping or patio. A draft door regulates the heat so in addition to grilling or frying. Ideal for anywhere you need a self contained cooking source coals are accessible behind a flip down door. Grill has two adjustable heights. Seasoned and ready to use. This sturdy cast-iron grill is wonderful for backyard or patio barbecues and rugged enough to go along on camping and fishing trips. The broad grill surface accommodates several whole fish or enough steaks and burgers for a small crowd. The removable draft door regulates the heat, making it simple to keep foods warm and heat coffee or tea in addition to grilling. A second door, decorated with a sunrise marsh scene, opens to provide easy access to the coals. This grill comes with an attached handle for carrying and a built-in shelf for resting utensils. Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill. This rugged, charcoal hibachi-style grill is perfect for picnics, tailgating, camping, or patio. The Lodge Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill features a draft door that regulates heat. Coals are accessible behind a flip-down door. A good seasoning makes all the difference. Lodge seasons its cookware with 100% vegetable oil; no synthetic coatings or chemicals. The more you use your iron, the better the seasoning will get. MADE IN THE USA. Lodge has been making cast iron cookware in South Pittsburg, Tennessee pop. 3,300 since 1896. With over 120 years of experience, their cast iron is known for its high quality design, lifetime durability, and cooking versatility. MAKE EVERY MEAL A MEMORY. Lodge knows that cooking is about more than just the food; its about the memories. Lodge is more than just a business; its a family. The Lodge family founded the company in 1896, and they still own it today. From environmental responsibility to community development, their heads and hearts are rooted in America. Size: 10.25″ H x 8.25″ W x 19 L. We stand behind our products. We do not stock parts. We do our best to process as quickly as possible. Our electronic products are manufactured according to the specifications of the US Electrical Standards and Codes. We assume no responsibility if the items malfunction or cause an accident because one tried to use the product with foreign electrical standards. The use of a converter or other voltage transforming device is at your own risk. Most orders are in transit for two to five days. Please make sure you want the item, we are unable to support cancellations. It says it all. Thank you for shopping with us! Please allow us to resolve any issues before leaving feedback. We will resolve any issue. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. The item “CAST IRON GRILL Pre-Seasoned Charcoal Stove Cooking Hibachi Outdoor Camping Picn” is in sale since Monday, May 6, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Kitchenware\Cookware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “*elitedeals*” and is located in Multiple locations. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, South africa, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, Ukraine, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa rica, Dominican republic, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, El salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, Antigua and barbuda, Aruba, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Montserrat, Turks and caicos islands, Barbados, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Ecuador, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Cayman islands, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Maldives, Nicaragua, Oman, Peru, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Viet nam, Uruguay, Russian federation.
- Brand: Lodge
- MPN: Does not apply
- ISBN: Does not apply
- UPC: Does not apply
- EAN: Does not apply
- Modified Item: No
Iron Grill Stove Outdoor Camping Hibachi Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Patio Picnic
Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Grill Stove Outdoor Camping Hibachi Patio Picnic. Brand New Factory Sealed. Charcoal, hibachi-style grill Cast iron Draft door regulates heat. This rugged, charcoal hibachi-style grill is perfect for picnics, tailgating and car camping or patio. A draft door regulates the heat so in addition to grilling or frying. Ideal for anywhere you need a self contained cooking source Coals are accessible behind a flip down door. Grill has two adjustable heights. Seasoned and ready to use. The heavy duty Lodge Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill is an excellent choice for any outdoor event. This Cast Iron Grill comes conveniently pre-seasoned with vegetable oil, so it is ready to use right out of the box. The rugged Lodge Iron Grill is resistant to weathering, making it a terrific choice for cooking during picnics and tailgating. The large cooktop offers plenty of room to cook for an individual or group. A draft door regulates the surface heating temperature of the cooking grate, helping ensure your food cooks evenly. Coals are accessible behind the flip-down door for easy tending while cooking. A wire bail handle allows for easy transport of the Lodge Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill, making it an excellent choice for almost anywhere. Great for picnics and tailgating. Draft door regulates heat. Flip-down door for easy access to coals. Grates and grill body are heavy duty for great weather protection. Cast iron is electrostatically coated with a proprietary vegetable oil. Ready to use right out of the box. Surface dimensions: 17.25″ x 9″. The item “Iron Grill Stove Outdoor Camping Hibachi Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Patio Picnic” is in sale since Sunday, July 21, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Kitchenware\Cookware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “filis-jame” and is located in La Vergne, Tennessee. This item can be shipped to United States.
- California Prop 65 Warning: Warning: CA65 Proposition – We do not ship to CA
- Brand: Lodge
- MPN: L410
- UPC: 075536384108
Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Grill Stove Outdoor Camping Hibachi Patio Picnic
Lodge Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill. Large Charcoal Hibachi-Style Grill for Picnics, Tailgaiting, Camping or Patio. This rugged, charcoal hibachi-style grill is perfect for picnics, tailgating and car camping or patio. A draft door regulates the heat so in addition to grilling or frying. Ideal for anywhere you need a self contained cooking source Coals are accessible behind a flip down door. Grill has two adjustable heights. Seasoned and ready to use. This sturdy cast-iron grill is wonderful for backyard or patio barbecues and rugged enough to go along on camping and fishing trips. The broad grill surface accommodates several whole fish or enough steaks and burgers for a small crowd. The removable draft door regulates the heat, making it simple to keep foods warm and heat coffee or tea in addition to grilling. A second door, decorated with a sunrise marsh scene, opens to provide easy access to the coals. This grill comes with an attached handle for carrying and a built-in shelf for resting utensils. Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill. This rugged, charcoal hibachi-style grill is perfect for picnics, tailgating, camping, or patio. The Lodge Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill features a draft door that regulates heat. Coals are accessible behind a flip-down door. A good seasoning makes all the difference. Lodge seasons its cookware with 100% vegetable oil; no synthetic coatings or chemicals. The more you use your iron, the better the seasoning will get. MADE IN THE USA. Lodge has been making cast iron cookware in South Pittsburg, Tennessee pop. 3,300 since 1896. With over 120 years of experience, their cast iron is known for its high quality design, lifetime durability, and cooking versatility. MAKE EVERY MEAL A MEMORY. Lodge knows that cooking is about more than just the food; its about the memories. Lodge is more than just a business; its a family. The Lodge family founded the company in 1896, and they still own it today. From environmental responsibility to community development, their heads and hearts are rooted in America. The item “Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Grill Stove Outdoor Camping Hibachi Patio Picnic” is in sale since Wednesday, February 6, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Kitchenware\Cookware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “herqui3″ and is located in Phoenix, AZ. This item can be shipped to United States.
- UPC: Does not apply
- EAN: Does not apply
- Modified Item: No
- Brand: Lodge
- MPN: Does not apply
- ISBN: Does not apply
CAST IRON GRILL Pre-Seasoned Charcoal Stove Cooking Hibachi Outdoor Camping Picn
CAST IRON GRILL Pre-Seasoned Charcoal Stove Cooking Hibachi Outdoor Camping Picn. CAST IRON GRILL Pre-Seasoned Charcoal Stove Cooking Hibachi Outdoor Camping Picnic. This CAST IRON GRILL Pre-Seasoned is perfect for picnics and tailgating. This rugged, charcoal hibachi-style grill features a draft door that regulates heat. Seasoned and ready to use for a natural, easy-release finish. Draft door regulates the heat. Coals are accessible by drop down door (coals not included). Grill has two adjustable heights. Grill surface: 17-1/4″ X 9″. Overall dimensions: 19″ X 10-1/4″ X 8-1/4. Care Instructions: Wash cast iron by hand with mild soap or none at all. Note: This product can expose you to Carbon Monoxide, which is a combustion byproduct known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Please note that you should send the item back in its original condition and packaging. In case of any issue with the item please send us a message. Our customer service team will help you for a hassle-free return. Replacements depends on stock availability. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, please do not be quick to leave negative/neutral feedback. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog. The item “CAST IRON GRILL Pre-Seasoned Charcoal Stove Cooking Hibachi Outdoor Camping Picn” is in sale since Tuesday, February 12, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Kitchenware\Cookware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “vitaminsworldwide” and is located in US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Lodge
- California Prop 65 Warning: This product can expose you to Carbon Monoxide, which is a combustion byproduct known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to www.p65warnings.ca.gov
- MPN: L410
- UPC: 075536384108
Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Grill Stove Outdoor Camping Hibachi Patio Picnic
Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Grill Stove Outdoor Camping Hibachi Patio Picnic. Charcoal, hibachi-style grill Cast iron Draft door regulates heat. This rugged, charcoal hibachi-style grill is perfect for picnics, tailgating and car camping or patio. A draft door regulates the heat so in addition to grilling or frying. Ideal for anywhere you need a self contained cooking source Coals are accessible behind a flip down door. Grill has two adjustable heights. Seasoned and ready to use. The heavy duty Lodge Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill is an excellent choice for any outdoor event. This Cast Iron Grill comes conveniently pre-seasoned with vegetable oil, so it is ready to use right out of the box. The rugged Lodge Iron Grill is resistant to weathering, making it a terrific choice for cooking during picnics and tailgating. The large cooktop offers plenty of room to cook for an individual or group. A draft door regulates the surface heating temperature of the cooking grate, helping ensure your food cooks evenly. Coals are accessible behind the flip-down door for easy tending while cooking. A wire bail handle allows for easy transport of the Lodge Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill, making it an excellent choice for almost anywhere. Great for picnics and tailgating. Draft door regulates heat. Flip-down door for easy access to coals. Grates and grill body are heavy duty for great weather protection. Cast iron is electrostatically coated with a proprietary vegetable oil. Ready to use right out of the box. Surface dimensions: 17.25″ x 9″. Button to avoid the disappointment of missing this item! As computer and smart device monitors vary in color, the actual color of the item may differ from what’s shown on your screen. Thank you for your business! Visit and bookmark our store, OPTIMUZE Family Owned. The item “Lodge Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Grill Stove Outdoor Camping Hibachi Patio Picnic” is in sale since Tuesday, December 4, 2018. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Kitchenware\Cookware\Cast Iron”. The seller is “optimuze” and is located in United States. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Lodge
- MPN: L410
- UPC: 075536384108
Vintage Columbus Ironworks Cast Iron Hibachi Grill Columbus Georgia 21-36lb
This is a vintage Columbia Iron Works cast iron charcoal grill with a large cast iron pan that sits on top. The pan is 21″ long from handle to handle and 3″ deep. The base has a sliding door on each end with Columbus Iron Works Co. Columbus GA engraved in each one. The pan has four legs that are designed to hold it in place on the base. The base is rusted but the pan appears to be in better condition as seen in the pictures. The grill weighs approximately 36lb and is used condition. Please look at the pictures and message me with any questions. The item “Vintage Columbus Ironworks Cast Iron Hibachi Grill Columbus Georgia 21-36lb” is in sale since Friday, June 22, 2018. This item is in the category “Antiques\Home & Hearth\Stoves”. The seller is “mclawhor-0″ and is located in New Bern, North Carolina. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Maker: Columbus Iron Works