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- Le Creuset France 5.5qt Purple Dutch Oven Cast Iron Enameled Pot #26
- Le Creuset Signature Cassadou Cast Iron 3.75 Quart Cook Pan Cerise New In Box
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- 000btu
- 03-05
- 100mm
- 11kw
- 139000-btu
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- 1400w
- 14kw
- 150000btu
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- 16kw
- 1800s
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- 19th
- 19thc
- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
- 4-burner
- 4-oven
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- 45qt
- 47×60
- 485×495
- 50×305
- 55-lb
- 555x41cm
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- heartland
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- heater
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- hereford
- heritage
- hicks
- hiflame
- high
- highly
- hike
- historic
- history
- hobo
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- homemade
- homewood
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- horseflame
- hours
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- houston
- hudson
- huge
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- looking
- lopi
- loth
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- lpcast
- lsg4513st
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- made
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- making
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- melting
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- mid-1800's
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- miniature
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- modern
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- or30sdbmx1-fisher
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- simplicty
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Tag Archives: grand
Antique 1920s Cleveland Co-operative Stove Company Grand Stove
This antique stove is in pretty good overall condition. There is rust on the back. It has not been tested, but seems to have all of the parts. Measures 50″ tall, 19″ deep and approx. Please see all photos. It is located on a main floor in our warehouse and can be easily moved out to a truck. Photos are part of the description.
Grand White Parlor Coal Burner Stove
Grand white parlor coal burning stove with Filigree skirt and ornate tope. Very good vintage condition. Stored in barn many years.
Vintage Grand Bride Stove Oven Heat Indicator
Up for sale is a Grand Bride oven heat indicator. Measures approximately 12 x 8 1/2 inches and made of cast iron. As shown in the pictures it is worn but looks awesome. Tracking numbers are always provided. All items we sell are quite old unless otherwise stated. We do the best to describe all items accurately as possible. Please understand that it is almost impossible to describe each minor flaw. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “dsunnyb” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Model: Cubby Holes
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Cooking Stove
- Installation: Slide-In
- Antique: Yes
- Brand: Grande Bride
Dimplex RTOPSTV20GR Grand Rouge Electric Stove Brand New In Box Burgundy
Dimplex RTOPSTV20GR Grand Rouge Electric Stove Brand New In Box. The complete electric stove, brand new in the original box, with a Burgundy finish and a unique Optimyst finish. Any questions dont hestitate to ask. Brand new in original box and never been opened or used. The item “Dimplex RTOPSTV20GR Grand Rouge Electric Stove Brand New In Box Burgundy” is in sale since Thursday, October 14, 2021. This item is in the category “Home, Furniture & DIY\Fireplaces & Stoves\Heating Stoves”. The seller is “eddyswardrobe” and is located in Manchester. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Model: RTOPSTV20GR
- Item Height: 66 cm
- Item Depth: 39 cm
- Item Width: 62 cm
- Type: Optimyst Electric Stove
- Item Length: 62 cm
- Year Manufactured: 2000
- Suitable For: Indoor
- Number of Settings: Variable
- Mounting: Freestanding
- Brand: Dimplex
- Assembly Required: No
- Ventilation System: Ventless
- Smart Home Compatibility: Not Applicable/Not Available
- Fuel Type: Electric
- Colour: Red
- BTU Heating Rating: 2000 BTU
- Style: Traditional
- Features: Remote Control
- Room: Living Room
- Finish: Glossy
- Material: Metal
- Item Weight: 26 kg
- Power: Electric
Cleveland co-op wood pot belly stove antique Grand 11
Up for sale Cleveland co-op wood pot belly stove antique Grand 11 has been used for decorative purposes. Appears to have been painted years ago. The corner bellow the door hinges needs repair as you can see in the picture. If you would like more pictures of a certain area please ask. The item “Cleveland co-op wood pot belly stove antique Grand 11″ is in sale since Thursday, February 18, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “vaydagirl2012″ and is located in Clawson, Michigan. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- Color: Black
- Featured Refinements: Cast Iron Stove
- Material: Cast Iron
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Dimplex Grand Rouge Optimyst 2kw Electric Stove Rtopstv20gr Rrp£625
WILL BE DELIVERED ON A PALLET TO PREVENT DAMAGE. COLLECTION MORE THAN WELCOME FOR DISCOUNT. DIMPLEX GRAND ROUGE OPTIMYST 2KW ELECTRIC STOVE – RTOPSTV20GR. Cast-iron gloss style stove with realistic Opti-myst. Flame and smoke effect. Fully variable flame and smoke intensity control. 2kW fan heater with choice of two heat settings. Opening door for added authenticity. Remote control (batteries included). Flame effect can be used independently of heat. RTOPSTV20GR – Grand Rouge (red). Choice of heat setting. Effect can be used independently of heat. Total Depth – 390mm. The item “DIMPLEX GRAND ROUGE OPTIMYST 2KW ELECTRIC STOVE RTOPSTV20GR RRP£625″ is in sale since Thursday, August 30, 2018. This item is in the category “Home, Furniture & DIY\Fireplaces & Stoves\Heating Stoves”. The seller is “mani2011mani2011″ and is located in ashington, Northumberland. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Australia, United States, Bahrain, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, China, Israel, Hong Kong, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Bolivia, Barbados, Brunei darussalam, Cayman islands, Egypt, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, French guiana, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Macao, Monaco, Maldives, Martinique, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Saudi arabia, South africa, United arab emirates, Ukraine, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Qatar, Trinidad and tobago, Uruguay.
- Model: RTOPSTV20GR
- Colour: Red
- Style: Traditional
- Assembly Required: Yes
- Energy Efficiency Rating: Compliant
- Material: Metal
- Type: Flue Less Stove
- Features: Variable Heat Control
- Room: Any Room
- Fuel Type: Electric
- Brand: Dimplex
- Main Colour: Red
Thermador 60 SS Pro Grand Dual Fuel Range withGrill & Griddle PRD606RCG
New in original factory box. All original grates, toe-kick etc included. Condition: No damage, never used. Some items are opened to verify condition. Damages described (if any) are considered cosmetic imperfections and do not affect the functionality of the appliance unless otherwise noted. There may be other minor imperfections present that can go unnoticed in certain lighting conditions. Thanks so much for visiting our listings!! Please tell your friends, colleagues and family about us. Six (6) Patented Star Burners. The Star Burner’s unique shape creates a perimeter 56 percent longer than a round burner of the same size, which allows the inclusion of more flame ports. The result is a stove burner that delivers superior flame spread and a reduced cold spot for faster and more even heating across any size pan. 22,000 Power Burner. Thermador’s powerful sealed Star Burner delivers an industry-leading 22,000 BTU of pure cooking power for better searing and faster boiling. ExtraLow cycles the Star Burner on and off to maintain temperatures as low as 100 degrees. Perfect for simmering delicate sauces or keeping food warm without scorching or stirring. The 12-inch griddle boasts a smooth, scratch resistant surface to easily handle all of your entertaining needs. The 12-inch indoor grill features lava briquettes, authentic grilling performance and easy clean-up. This large 36-inch convection oven accommodates a full-size sheet pan. Self-Cleaning (right oven only). Grill Plates and Broiler Pans. Front Left Burner BTU. ExtraLow – 22,000 (18,000 LP). Back Left Burner BTU. ExtraLow – 12,500 (11,000 LP). Back Center Burner BTU. 12,500 (11,000 LP). Front Center Burner BTU. 18,000 (15,000 LP). Back Right Burner BTU. ExtraLow – 15,000 (9,100 LP). Front Right Burner BTU. ExtraLow – 18,000 (15,000 LP). Bake, Convection Bake, Broil, Convection Broil, Roast, Convection Roast, Self Clean, Proof. Bake, Convection Bake, Broil, Convection Broil, Roast, Convection Roast, Self Clean, Keep Warm. Meat Probe, Sabbath Function, Cook Timer, Kitchen Timer. Natural Gas 15 mbar. Liquid Gas 27.5 mbar. 2 Years, Entire Appliance (limited). 35 7/8″ – 36 3/4″. Product Dimensions & Weight. We will attempt to work with you and minimize the added charge if at all possible. If item ships UPS ground driver will in most cases deliver to your front door or porch area. Please also keep in mind that some large trucks may have problems delivering to residential areas with narrow streets, steep driveways, and low power lines. All packaging material must be kept for the claim to be valid. In the event that this unit is not in the box, we need this time to have the item crated or palletized. As long as product is received at our warehouse undamaged. Defective Units: I f you received a defective unit, please keep in mind that most manufacturers may require a service call to diagnose the problem before RA is issued. If issue is strictly Cosmetic such as top, side or front dents, scratches, etc. We will most likely send you the part to resolve the issue. If a replacement is not available we will credit you for the original price paid for the product. 33130, 33131, 33132, 33133, 33134, 33135, 33136, 33137, 33138, 33139, 33142, 33144, 33145, 33146, 33147, 33149, 33150. NOTE 1: This charge applies as follows. Charge is subject to NO discount. Charge is in addition to all other applicable charge. Island and/or Remote Deliveries. The item “Thermador 60 SS Pro Grand Dual Fuel Range withGrill & Griddle PRD606RCG” is in sale since Friday, June 26, 2020. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Major Appliances\Ranges & Cooking Appliances\Ranges & Stoves”. The seller is “tvapplgroup” and is located in Olathe, Kansas. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Model: PRD606RCG
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Number of Ovens: 2
- Item Width: 60″
- California Prop 65 Warning: WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
- Type: Range
- Installation: Freestanding
- Features: Burner
- Control Design: Knob Control
- Color: Satinless Steel
- Surface: Porcelain Enamel
- Finish: Stainless Steel
- Cooktop Type: Fixed
- Fuel Type: Dual Fuel
- Number of Burners: 6
- Brand: Thermador
- Power Requirement: 220 V
- Manufacturer Warranty: 2 years
Thermador PRD606RCG 60 Dual Fuel Range Prof. Grand 6 Burners Griddle + Grill
Peacock of all ranges – Thermador model. Dual fuel 60 range / stove with 6 burners, griddle and grill. This unit was made in. 2018 and it has been used for around a year! It’s in an. No dents or scratches on the top or front of the unit. There may be some. On the sides – where it slides in between cabinets but won’t be visible once installed back in between cabinets. It comes with smooth gliding roll out oven racks, self clean oven, griddle (doesn’t look like it was used even once), grill, awesome large stainless knobs, and a light switch that illuminates the knob/control panel area with led crisp lighting – super cool feature and tons more. Range was tested and it works perfect. This range is set up for natural gas. Here is the description of this range I found online. Thermador 60 Professional Series Pro Grand Commercial Depth Dual Fuel Range – PRD606RCG. Overall 5.7 cu. Main oven & 4.9 cu. Superior grilling results, 2000 watt Indoor Electric Grill with Ceramic Briquettes in addition to 12 electric griddle and 6 powerful Star® Burners. Patented Pedestal Star® Burner with QuickClean Base® designed for easy surface cleaning and superior heat spread for any size pan. Powerful 22,000 BTU (NG) burner (front right). Precision simmering capabilities as low as 100°F (375 BTU) with 4 ExtraLow® Simmer burners. SoftClose® hinges for ultra smooth closing of the oven door. Cleans both ovens simultaneously in just 2 hours. Oven Capacity: 5.7 / 4.9 cu. Cooking Modes – Main / Large Cavity: Bake, Convection Bake, Broil, Convection Broil, Roast, Convection Roast, Self Clean, Keep Warm. Cooking Modes – Small Cavity: Bake, Convection Bake, Broil, Convection Broil, Roast, Convection Roast, Self Clean, Proof. Additional Features: Meat Probe, Sabbath Function, Cook Timer, Kitchen Timer. Cleaning Type: Self Clean (Both). Type of Grate: Continuous Cast Iron. Controls: Metal Knobs and LCD Display. Bake Power: 2,000 W (Lg) / 2,000 W (Sm). Broil Power: 3,600 W (Lg) / 3,000 W (Sm). Convection Power: 2,750 W (Lg) / 2,750 W (Sm). Total Number of Cooktop Burners: 6 + Griddle + Grill. Power of Front Left Burner BTU: 22,000 and XLO (NG). Power of Back Left Burner BTU: 12,500 and XLO (NG). Power of Back Center Burner BTU: 12,500 (NG). Power of Front Center Burner BTU: 18,000 (NG). Power of Center 12 Electric Grill (W): 2,000 W. Power of Far Right 12 Electric Griddle (W): 1,630 W. Power of Back Right Burner BTU: 12,500 and XLO (NG). Power of Front Right Burner BTU: 22,000 and XLO (NG). 1 x Nozzle Set for Liquid Gas. 3 x Telescopic Rack. 3 x Telescopic Rack – Secondary Oven. 1 x Temperature Sensor. 1 x Island Trim. 1 x Grill Plate. 1 x Broiler Pan Small. 1 x Broiler Pan, Probe. Overall Appliance (HxWxD): 35-7/8″ – 36-3/4″ x 59-15/16″ x 28-3/4″. Required Cutout Size (HxWxD): 35-7/8″ – 36-3/4″ x 60″ x 24″ – 25-1/8. Adjustable Range Height: 7/8. The item “Thermador PRD606RCG 60 Dual Fuel Range Prof. Grand 6 Burners Griddle + Grill” is in sale since Tuesday, June 16, 2020. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Major Appliances\Ranges & Cooking Appliances\Ranges & Stoves”. The seller is “kmat9997″ and is located in Niles, Illinois. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Model: PRD606RCG
- Number of Ovens: Double Oven
- Fuel Type: Dual Fuel
- Features: Griddle
- Width: 60
- MPN: Does Not Apply
- Surface: Stainless Steel
- Hood Width: 60 in
- Number of Burners: 6
- Brand: Thermador
Antique Toy / Salesman Sample Cast Iron Stove Grand Jewel
Via UPS within the contiguous 48 States, U. If you don’t see it… Tags intact, not polished, altered, etc… Items with age typically display patina along with signs of use Be sure to view all the photos we take the time to process and display in a clear large format Thanks rjb670. The item “Antique Toy / Salesman Sample Cast Iron Stove Grand Jewel” is in sale since Friday, October 4, 2019. This item is in the category “Toys & Hobbies\Vintage & Antique Toys\Cast Iron”. The seller is “rjb670″ and is located in Bristol, Connecticut. This item can be shipped to North, South, or Latin America, all countries in Europe, all countries in continental Asia, Australia.
Dimplex Opti-myst Grand Noir Electric Stove Rtopstv20n -rrp £625 15109915
Brand New – In the manufacture packaging, box is a bit worn, one door had fiberglass treatment due to the hinges on that door were cracked. Now is solid as new. No other marking on the unit, damage or repair on the unit. Missing the instruction manual/ any other documents. Please see listing pictures. This electric fire features a opti-myst which instantly adds an inviting, warming glow to the room. This fire uses a thermostat which switches the heat on and off to maintain heat levels. This fire is operated manually and the function controls are located on the unit. Flame effect – Opti-myst. The Dimplex Opti-Myst Grand Noir electric stove is an ideal alternative to a gas or solid fuel fire. It comes in a vibrant black gloss finish and is suitable for many rooms, including lounge, dining room and conservatory. Engineered with Opti-Myst technology, the flame effect is fully three dimensional and uses ultrasonic technology to create an ultra-fine water mist, which is then illuminated to create the flames and the smoke. Combined with a realistic log effect fuel bed it creates the smart illusion of a real fire. The flames are created by filling a water tank beneath the fuel bed and it is completely safe. Fully variable flame and smoke intensity control. Hand-crafted timeless high gloss enamel effect. 2kW fan heater with choice of two heat settings. Opening doors for added authenticity. Number of heating levels. The item “DIMPLEX OPTI-MYST GRAND NOIR ELECTRIC STOVE RTOPSTV20N -RRP £625 15109915″ is in sale since Thursday, August 30, 2018. This item is in the category “Home, Furniture & DIY\Fireplaces & Accessories\Fireplaces”. The seller is “goldenage-trading-ltd” and is located in London . This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Model: RTOPSTV20N
- Modified Item: No
- Custom Bundle: No
- Brand: Dimplex
- Non-Domestic Product: No