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- 000btu
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- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
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- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
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- 365×315
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Tag Archives: garden
Atlanta Stove Works Cast Iron Vintage Garden Settee Loveseat Bench
Atlanta Stove Works Cast Iron Garden Set Bench. Measures Approximately 14″ high & Back at highest point (middle) measures 28 1/2″ high.
ANTIQUE CAST IRON STOVE DOOR – Ornate Decorative OVEN DOOR STEAMPUNK GARDEN ART. Door 17.5in x 12in. Solid Cast Iron With Enamel finish. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “luvinjunque” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Installation: Freestanding
- Featured Refinements: Cast Iron Stove Door
- Model: 123
- Color: Black
- Type: Heating Stove
Quality Fire Pit BBQ Firepit Garden Square Table Stove Patio Heater with Grill
WELCOME TO BREVEN UK. PARCEL FORCE – 3. FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY, DUE TO RISK OF FIRE. 13.5 / 5.3 , , . 1 x Q 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x. 1 x BBQ Grill Shelf. THANKS FOR LOOKING AND PATRONISING. #firepit #fire #outdoorliving #bbq #campfire #outdoors #backyard #landscapedesign #fireplace #camping #nature #patio #bonfire #love #design #firepits #grill #landscape #winter #gasfirepit #photography #hardscape #backyardfirepit #smores #firefeature #firepitdesign #wood #home #outdoor #bhfyp. #bonfirenight #gardendesign #family #outdoorkitchen #grilling #garden #pavers #firetable #interiordesign #backyarddesign #landscaping #outdoorlife #outdoorlivingspace #kamado #bonfireseason #familytime #barbecue #bonfiretime #customfirepit #foodie #outdoorfireplace #bonfires #bonfireparty #bonfireatl #wine #outdoordesign #travel #patiodesign #fireworks #darksouls. The item “Quality Fire Pit BBQ Firepit Garden Square Table Stove Patio Heater with Grill” is in sale since Tuesday, June 9, 2020. This item is in the category “Garden & Patio\Outdoor Heating, Cooking & Eating\Fire Pits”. The seller is “brevengroup” and is located in Erith, Kent. This item can be shipped to all countries in Europe, Antigua and barbuda, Australia, United States, Bahrain, Canada, Brazil, Japan, New Zealand, China, Israel, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Barbados, Brunei darussalam, Cayman islands, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French guiana, Jordan, Cambodia, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Sri lanka, Macao, Maldives, Montserrat, Martinique, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Paraguay, Reunion, Turks and caicos islands, Aruba, Saudi arabia, South africa, United arab emirates, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa rica, Dominican republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, El salvador, Trinidad and tobago, Uruguay, Viet nam.
- Size: Large
- Shape: Garden Square Stove
- Colour: Black
- Country/Region of Manufacture: China
- Item Height: 46 cm
- Item Width: 82 cm
- Assembly Required: Yes
- Material: Metal
- Mounting: Standing
- Type: 32” Square Fire Pit
- Features: Easy to Assemble
- MPN: DUr0vj0001
- Finish: Polished
- Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Item Weight: 15 kg
- Brand: BREVEN
- Height: 77
- EAN: 5006253265444
- Overall Dimension: 77 x 64 x 20 cm
- Width: 20
- Diameter (cm): 64
- UPC: 689805941932
- Weight: 15kg
- Design: Table
- Items Included: Cooking Grate/Grill
32” Wood Burning Fire Pits Outdoor Heater Backyard Deck Patio BBQ Garden Stove
You may also like. PREMIUM MATERIALS – Made of a premium iron frame, heat-resistant fire bowl, and safety mesh cover, durable for your long time use; The soft flame light dancing in the patio, provide pleasantly warm in clear and cool nights, create an warm and inviting atmosphere. MULTI FUNCTION – With a multi-function design, the firepit can be used as brazier, barbecue, or grill, or fill it with ice and use it as a cooler during the hot summers. The metal tile rim-top is convenient hold drinks and barbecue ingredients, combining both aesthetic beauty and practical use, this portable fire pit creates a lovely location for that cozy and crackling fire. CONSIDERATE DESIGN – Designed with small holes in the bottom of the bowl and log grate, which allows for air flow and circulation; The poker included in the package provides ultimate convenience for you to lift the screen or adjust the mesh on the fire pit; The waterproof cover helps protect the fire pit from rusting in the rain. SAFE & SECURE – Features square frame and metal legs equipped with stabilizing feet that allows for sturdy placement and even on uneven surfaces; The heat-resistant mesh cover provides a clear view to observe the situation of the flame, also prevents sparks and ashes from flying everywhere, ensuring the maximum safety of users. EASY TO INSTALL – Comes with a complete kit, the square fire pit is easy to assemble and comes with a step-by-step assembly instruction guide; Compact and portable design is easy to move and store; Suitable for 4-8 people, perfect for family party and friend gathering. Firepit: 32″x32″x14.4. Log Grate: 12″ x12″. 1 x Waterproof Cover. The heat-resistant mesh cover offers a clear view of your fire while preventing sparks and ashes from escaping the pit, ensuring maximum safety. The bottom of the bowl and log grate is designed with small holes to improve airflow circulation; Our fire pit comes with a poker in case you need to adjust the fire or lift up a hot grating. Made of a premium iron frame and a heat-resistant fire bowl that are both durable enough to last. The stylish square frame and metal legs improve stability and help keep the firepit balanced on unstable ground. Provide pleasantly warm in clear and cool nights, create an warm and inviting atmosphere. & Public holiday excluded. We have multiple warehouses located at CA and NJ. We will surely take care for u. We are a company based on California. We devoted ourselves to offering high quality products at the most reasonable prices. We have several overseas warehouses, which will be distributed according to your location. The item “32” Wood Burning Fire Pits Outdoor Heater Backyard Deck Patio BBQ Garden Stove” is in sale since Monday, August 31, 2020. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Outdoor Heating, Cooking & Eating\Fire Pits”. The seller is “vh-mall” and is located in Ontario, California. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Size: Large
- Shape: Square
- Style: Modern
- Custom Bundle: No
- Item Height: 15 in
- Item Width: 32 in
- Assembly Required: Yes
- Material: iron
- Mounting: Standing
- Energy Star: Compliant
- Type: Firepit
- Features: Easy to Assemble
- Color: Black
- MPN: VH416US
- Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Item Weight: 25 lb
- Brand: Vivohome
- Item Diameter: 32 in
- Items Included: Cooking Grate/Grill
Vintage Atlanta Stove Works Cast Iron White Patio Garden Outdoor Table Bench
VINTAGE ATLANTA STOVE WORKS CAST IRON WHITE PATIO GARDEN OUTDOOR TABLE BENCH. BEAUTIFUL TABLE IN VERY GOOD CONDITION. NO CRACKS , SPLITS, BREAKS OR REPAIRS. 15″ TALL, 33″ LONG , 14 WIDE. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog. The item “VINTAGE ATLANTA STOVE WORKS CAST IRON WHITE PATIO GARDEN OUTDOOR TABLE BENCH” is in sale since Tuesday, June 15, 2021. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Furniture\Tables”. The seller is “wantitbuyit*” and is located in Fort Worth, Texas. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
- Item Height: 15″
- Item Length: 33″
- Item Width: 14″
- Type: Coffee Table
- Original/Reproduction: Original
Incoming search terms:
- atlanta stove works bench
Edinoliva 2 Wood Burning Multi Fuel Stove Complete or Garden Chiminea
An Original complete French multi fuel stove, in excellent used condition. Good for an oldie world look or garden Chiminea or just a decorative show piece. Very heavy cast iron stove collection only from Halifax West Yorkshire. Height with flue pipe 1110mm. The item “Edinoliva 2 Wood Burning Multi Fuel Stove Complete or Garden Chiminea” is in sale since Friday, July 23, 2021. This item is in the category “Home, Furniture & DIY\Fireplaces & Stoves\Heating Stoves”. The seller is “flueshop” and is located in HALIFAX, West Yorkshire. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, Antigua and barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Australia, United States, Bahrain, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, China, Israel, Hong Kong, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Barbados, Brunei darussalam, Cayman islands, Dominica, Egypt, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French guiana, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Macao, Monaco, Maldives, Montserrat, Martinique, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Turks and caicos islands, Aruba, Saudi arabia, South africa, United arab emirates, Ukraine, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Trinidad and tobago, Uruguay.
- Model: 2
- Colour: Black
- Style: Traditional
- Assembly Required: No
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Multifuel
- Room: Any Room
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Brand: Edinoliva
Fire Pit Firepit Outdoor Brazier Garden BBQ Round Stove Patio Heater C
Large Size: This large fire pit will be perfect for when your friends and family are around to add warmth and a lovely cosy atmosphere. Heavy duty design and rust resistant: This deep metal fire pit is made from durable steel and finished with Black high temperature paint for long lasting quality and resistance to rust. The portable function allows the fireplace to be transported with ease if required. Full set included: Fire bowl set includes metal spark screen for added safety, built-in wood burning grate for better air flow, and poker tool to easily control the flame. Grill: Removable and Height Adjustable Grill elevates the wood increasing air circulation for a better burning fire. The Grill is height adjustable from 35-52cm. Easy to set up: Quick and easy assembly allows this fire pit to be assembled in no time; Simply attach the 3 legs and outer rim and you are ready to create cosy memories in the backyard or while camping. A new fire pit for your patio or back garden is just what you need whether you want to create a warm cosy atmosphere on a cold night or to add style and ambience for a summer get together, we are confident you will love your new garden feature. This outdoor wood burning fire pit is the perfect size and is easy to tend to and clean. The overall fire pit rim to rim is 76 cm diameter with a height adjustable grill feature for better air circulation and regulating the temperature when barbecuing tasty treats. Included is a free fire cover and fire pit tool. Please note: This is a wood burning fire pit and with all fire pits, is not designed to burn on a deck unless a fire proof pad is used underneath. The item “Fire Pit Firepit Outdoor Brazier Garden BBQ Round Stove Patio Heater C” is in sale since Thursday, June 10, 2021. This item is in the category “Garden & Patio\Outdoor Heating, Cooking & Eating\Fire Pits”. The seller is “mcc_outlet” and is located in Ripley. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, Antigua and barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Australia, United States, Bahrain, Canada, Brazil, Japan, New Zealand, China, Israel, Hong Kong, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Barbados, Brunei darussalam, Cayman islands, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French guiana, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Macao, Monaco, Maldives, Montserrat, Martinique, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Paraguay, Reunion, Turks and caicos islands, Aruba, Saudi arabia, South africa, United arab emirates, Ukraine, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa rica, Dominican republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, El salvador, Trinidad and tobago, Uruguay, Viet nam, Russian federation.
- Shape: Round
- Colour: Black
- Item Height: 52 cm
- Item Width: 76cm
- Assembly Required: No
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Brazier
- Features: Adjustable Height
- Finish: Matt
- Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
- Fuel Type: Charcoal Wood
Fire Pit Firepit Outdoor Brazier Garden BBQ Square Table Stove Patio Heater A
The Multi Functional Fire Pit is an excellent choice for easy outdoor heating and makes an excellent feature when you have friends and family round. Durable: the steel framed fire pit has a black heat-resistant coating which will also protect against rust and weather. Safe: The protective mesh cover will keep the ashes and sparks from flying out and allows for an open view of the fire. This fire pit comes with a free water proof cover and fire pit tool. Our new 81cm wide square fire pit is the perfect addition to your back garden or patio area, whether you want to create a warm cosy atmosphere on a cold night or to add style and ambience for a summer afternoon get together, we are confident you will love your new garden feature. The protective mesh cover will provide safety around children and pets and yet allow the fire to be visible and effective for everyone. We have also provided a waterproof cover for when it is not in use and a fire pit tool to keep the fire alive Please note: This is a wood burning fire pit and with all fire pits, is not designed to burn on a deck unless a fire proof pad is used underneath. Note: BBQ tools not included. The item “Fire Pit Firepit Outdoor Brazier Garden BBQ Square Table Stove Patio Heater A” is in sale since Wednesday, June 9, 2021. This item is in the category “Garden & Patio\Outdoor Heating, Cooking & Eating\Fire Pits”. The seller is “mcc_outlet” and is located in Ripley. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, Antigua and barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Australia, United States, Bahrain, Canada, Brazil, Japan, New Zealand, China, Israel, Hong Kong, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Barbados, Brunei darussalam, Cayman islands, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French guiana, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Macao, Monaco, Maldives, Montserrat, Martinique, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Paraguay, Reunion, Turks and caicos islands, Aruba, Saudi arabia, South africa, United arab emirates, Ukraine, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa rica, Dominican republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, El salvador, Trinidad and tobago, Uruguay, Viet nam, Russian federation.
- Shape: Square
- Colour: Black
- Item Height: 45cm
- Item Width: 81cm
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Brazier
- Features: Easy to Assemble
- Finish: Matt
- Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
- Fuel Type: Charcoal Wood
Outdoor Fire Pit BBQ Firepit Brazier Garden Square Table Stove Patio Heater
Planning to hold an outdoor barbecue party with family and friends? You may need the Hortus fire pit to help. The Hortus outdoor square fire pit is constructed of heavy-duty iron mesh and frame and built in a square shape for added stability. It comes with a mesh lid to prevent burning embers blowing and a poker to stoke fire and remove the mesh lid safely. The sturdy design with special patterns makes it an ideal choice for heating, barbecue and cooling drinks and food in patio, garden, and yard. Specifications: – Material: Mesh & Iron – Overall Dimension (with Lid): 81.2 x 81.2 x 50 cm / 32 x 32 x 19.7 (LxWxH) – Overall Dimension (without Lid): 81.2 x 81.2 x 36.5 cm / 32 x 32 x 14.4 (LxWxH) – Lid Size: 52 x 52 x 10.5 cm / 20.5 x 20.5 x 4.1 (LxWxH) – Pot Size: 57.5 x 57.5 x 11.4 cm / 22.6 x 22.6 x 4.5 (LxWxD) – Cover Size: 83 x 83 x 45 cm / 32.7 x 32.7 x 17.7 (LxWxH) – G. 13.8 kg / 30.4 lb. The item “Outdoor Fire Pit BBQ Firepit Brazier Garden Square Table Stove Patio Heater” is in sale since Saturday, May 22, 2021. This item is in the category “Garden & Patio\Outdoor Heating, Cooking & Eating\Fire Pits”. The seller is “hotdealsonline19″ and is located in Leicester. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, Antigua and barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Australia, United States, Bahrain, Canada, Brazil, Japan, New Zealand, China, Israel, Hong Kong, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Barbados, Brunei darussalam, Cayman islands, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French guiana, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Macao, Monaco, Maldives, Montserrat, Martinique, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Paraguay, Reunion, Turks and caicos islands, Aruba, Saudi arabia, South africa, United arab emirates, Ukraine, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa rica, Dominican republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, El salvador, Trinidad and tobago, Uruguay, Viet nam, Russian federation.
- Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
- Brand: HORTUS
- Type: Fire Pit
- Shape: Garden Square Stove
- Overall Dimension: 81.2 x 81.2 x 50 cm
- Material: Cast Iron
- MPN: DUr0vj0001
- Fuel Type: Wood