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- 000btu
- 03-05
- 100mm
- 11kw
- 139000-btu
- 13kw
- 1400w
- 14kw
- 150000btu
- 1500w
- 16kw
- 1800s
- 1800w
- 1850's
- 1860s
- 1866-'70s
- 1880s
- 1890s
- 1900's
- 1905-1923
- 1920's
- 1920's-1940's
- 1930's
- 1950s
- 1960's
- 19th
- 19thc
- 200000-btu
- 200000btu
- 225000btu
- 2469e
- 25-lb
- 26×35
- 27cm
- 3-burner
- 315×425
- 32''
- 32×17
- 33×495
- 345x42cm
- 345x53cm
- 355×385
- 358mm
- 35kw
- 35x425cm
- 365×315
- 365x31cm
- 365x32cm
- 380mm
- 4-burner
- 4-oven
- 40cm
- 45qt
- 47×60
- 485×495
- 50×305
- 55-lb
- 555x41cm
- 55kw
- 61cm
- 65kw
- aafa
- accensione
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- acmpngpis
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- allez
- amantii
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- assemble
- assorted
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- autos
- avalon
- awesome
- axford
- b'ham
- baby
- bake
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- bannock
- barely
- baroque
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- basic
- basque
- baxter
- bayou
- beatrice
- beautiful
- beauty
- beckwith
- been
- belgium
- believe
- bell
- belleville
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- belmont
- benefits
- bengal
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- bluestar
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- boschthermadr
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- boyd's
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- brandani
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- bsk1000
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- buck's
- buckeye
- buddy
- budget
- buffalo
- build
- building
- built-in
- burner
- burners
- burnwood
- buying
- byers
- cabello
- cabin
- caboose
- cadco
- cajun
- camp
- campfire
- camping
- cannon
- canvas
- carbon
- carter
- cast
- cast-iron
- castiron
- castle's
- cawley
- cawleylemay
- cb-1210
- central
- century
- certified
- chambers
- chappee
- charming
- charter
- cheeseburger
- chefie
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- child's
- chimenea
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- circa
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- coleman
- collecting
- colonial
- colorado
- columbia
- commercial
- compact
- comparing
- complete
- comstock
- concord
- consolidated
- constructing
- contemporary
- cook
- cooker
- cooking
- cookstove
- cooktop
- copco
- copper-clad
- cost
- costco
- costway
- country
- covered
- cowboy
- cozy
- crankshaft
- creative
- crescent
- creuset
- creusetcousances
- creusetnew725qtsignaturerounddutchoven
- crispiest
- croix
- crosby
- crown
- cubic
- custom
- cute
- dangers
- dansk
- davis
- days
- deco
- decor
- deep
- defiant
- dell
- delonghi
- deluxe
- demarco
- demo
- detroit
- deville
- dg61-00859a
- dialtech
- dimplex
- diwali
- dixie
- doe-wah-jack
- dollaritemdirect
- dollhouse
- dolly's
- double
- doubts
- dovre
- dowgiak
- dragon
- drolet
- dual
- dugout
- dukers
- duluth
- durable
- dutch
- dutchwest
- dwarf
- eagle
- early
- early-1900s
- easiest
- easily
- easy
- eclipse
- economic
- edinoliva
- efel
- effective
- electric
- elevate
- elmira
- elsa
- embeded
- emeril
- empava
- empire
- emrich
- enamel
- enameled
- enamelled
- england
- englander
- enterprise
- enviro
- er7i
- erie
- esschert
- esse
- esso
- estate
- european
- exceptionally
- extremely
- ezystove
- factory
- falkirk
- fancy
- fantastic
- farmhouse
- fashioned
- fatso
- federal
- field
- filet
- filley
- finex
- fire
- firebox
- firefox
- fireplace
- firewood
- first
- fish
- fisher
- five
- fixing
- flat
- flex
- florence
- foster
- foundry
- frame
- framed
- franklin
- franklin-style
- franklinite
- free
- freedom
- freestanding
- french
- fridgedair
- frigidaire
- front
- frontrear
- frying
- full
- fuller
- fully
- gallon
- galvanized
- garland
- garlic
- garrison
- gate
- general
- genuine
- german
- germer
- getting
- giant
- glacier
- glen
- glenwood
- godin
- gold
- goldenrod
- goldens
- gorgeous
- grand
- grate
- gray
- great
- green
- greenfield
- grid
- griddle
- grill
- grilling
- griswold
- grizzly
- gtautos
- guide
- guliver
- gymax
- haier
- half
- halka
- halloween
- hamco
- hampton
- handmade
- harbor
- hardwick's
- harman
- hart
- hearthstone
- heartland
- heat
- heater
- heavy
- heavy-duty
- hereford
- heritage
- hicks
- hiflame
- high
- highly
- hike
- historic
- history
- hobo
- homcom
- home
- homemade
- homewood
- honest
- horseflame
- hours
- household
- houston
- hudson
- huge
- humphrey
- hunter
- hutch
- icook
- idea
- identifying
- ikayaa
- ikenaga
- imperial
- inch
- indian
- indianapolis
- individual
- indooroutdoor
- indpls
- inset
- install
- installazione
- installing
- iron
- ishow
- iwatani
- jacob's
- jagger
- japanese
- jewel
- jgss66selss
- john
- jones
- jotel
- jotul
- joule
- jtul
- junior
- juno
- just
- kadai
- kalamazoo
- karoline
- kazan
- keefe
- kenmore
- kent
- kenton
- kernan
- keystone
- khan
- kineo
- king
- kitchen
- kitchenaid
- klaine
- know
- knox
- kovea
- kresno
- kukri
- labour
- laclede-oak
- lacunza
- lady
- lake
- land
- lange
- large
- larger
- late
- launch
- leanne
- lecreuset
- lennox
- life
- lighting
- lilor
- lincoln
- little
- living
- local
- lodge
- logwood
- long
- look
- looking
- lopi
- loth
- love
- lpcast
- lsg4513st
- lunenburg
- macro
- made
- magic
- magnum
- maintenance
- majestic
- make
- making
- malm
- manchester
- manual
- marion
- maritime
- martin
- massive
- mauviel
- maytag
- melting
- meva
- michigan
- mid-1800's
- milantoast
- military
- mini
- miniature
- minuteman
- mirus
- misen
- model
- modern
- monarch
- monessen
- monogram
- montgomery
- moore
- moore's
- morso
- most
- mountain
- multifuel
- multifunctional
- museum
- mustad
- myers
- nambu
- napoleon
- need
- neo-fit
- nester
- never
- newithunused
- newle
- nice
- night
- nitro
- no14s
- nomad
- norma
- norvick
- novelty
- nubian
- nutwood
- o'keefe
- oaks
- ohio
- olympic
- only
- open
- or30sdbmx1-fisher
- orig
- original
- ornate
- osburn
- outdoor
- outermust
- ovation
- oven
- ovenrange
- overnight
- oztrail
- pacific
- paint
- pair
- palace
- paramount
- parlor
- patiojoy
- pawn
- pelpro
- penn
- pennsylvania
- people
- perfect
- perfection
- petit
- photos
- picking
- piece
- pied
- pink
- pipsqueak
- pleasant
- plymouth
- polish
- polishing
- porcelain
- portable
- portland
- portugal
- potbelly
- power
- powerful
- pre-griswold
- pre-seasoned
- prem
- premium
- prepper
- prescott
- preserving
- price
- princess
- prize
- prizer
- process
- procom
- product
- production
- products
- professional
- propane
- properly
- protable
- prototype
- pugon
- puritan
- putting
- quadra
- quadra-fire
- quadrafire
- quality
- quart
- queen
- queenie
- quick
- quit
- radiance
- radiant
- railroad
- range
- ransom
- rare
- rarecoleman
- read
- real
- rear
- reason
- rebuilt
- redcamp
- reduced
- refinished
- refinishing
- refurbished
- regency
- remove
- removing
- repairing
- reseason
- resolute
- restoration
- restore
- restored
- restoring
- retro
- returning
- reversible
- review
- rheineland
- rhode
- ribeye
- ring
- ringgold
- rippingilles
- river
- riverside
- robert
- rocket
- role
- rongali
- roombox
- roper
- royal
- ruin
- rush
- rusted
- rustic
- rusty
- saey
- sale
- salesman
- samsung
- sandblast
- scafell
- scarce
- schrader
- scranton
- scrape
- sear
- seared
- sears
- season
- seasoned
- seasoning
- selkirk
- sept
- sets
- sexton's
- shaeffer's
- shipmate
- shipping
- shoe
- shorts
- should
- showstopper
- sides
- sidney
- sierra
- silent
- similar
- simple
- simplicty
- single
- sirloin
- skantherm
- small
- smeg
- soapstone
- soda
- solo
- soot
- sous
- southern
- span
- spark
- spontaneous
- sportsman
- spring
- square
- stage
- stainless
- stamford
- standard
- stansport
- start
- starting
- staub
- steak
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- sterling
- stern
- stevens
- stick
- stockton
- stoker
- stop
- store
- story
- stout
- stove
- stoves
- stovetop
- strong
- stuck
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- testing
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Monthly Archives: April 2022
Antique Industrial Art Deco Gas Wall Heater 1930’s Porcelain Enamel Cast Iron

Up for sale is an Antique Industrial Art Deco Gas Wall Heater from the 1930’s. 20″ x 12″ and is made of very high quality porcelain enameled cast iron. As you can see in the pictures, there is some wear from overall usage. May need some minor work to get it up and running again. I believe it may have been used as a bathroom heater in an old movie theater, but I’m not exactly sure. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “dm_onlinesales” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: antique hotness
- Antique: Yes
- Type: Heating Stove
- Installation: Built-In/Integrated
- Color: White
- Model: Gas Heater
- Material: Cast Iron
- Features: hot
- Finish: Enamel
- Fuel Type: Natural Gas
- Vintage: Yes

Beautiful Antique New Dartmouth-B Cast Iron Wood Stove Oven Door Clean

Beautiful Antique New Dartmouth-B Cast Iron Wood Stove Oven Door Clean. Light wear, and some age pitting to surface. Good condition as seen in photos ready to use. It would make a wonderful Dutch oven door or Pizza oven door or wall decoration. High heat black finish. Measures 19″ wide plus 1″ for hinges x 11″ tall x 2 1/2″ thick plus an 1 1/2 more in handle area. See last photos to see tiny chip on the edge it is hardly noticeable and the door is still solid. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “royantiq” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Model: Unbranded
- Material: Cast Iron
- Type: Cooking Stove
- Installation: Freestanding
- Color: Black
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Brand: New Kineo

Antique round oak potbelly stove

Antique round oak potbelly stove. As seen in pics. Please if any questions. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “hobbz2000″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Round Oak
- Type: Heating Stove
- Installation: Freestanding
- Model: No 14
- Surface: Cast Iron

Antique Family Darling Cast Iron Stove Indiana Stove Works Quincy Illinois

This is a beautiful stove. Smoke free pet free home. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “xmaskid51″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Model: Heater
- Type: Heating Stove
- Installation: Freestanding
- Color: Black
- Brand: Indiana Stove Works
- Featured Refinements: Cast Iron Stove

ORNATE Cast Iron Vintage Wood/Coal Stove Base Use-Repurpose 24x 15 1/2footprint

ORNATE with great Dragons and large Claw Feet, Cast Iron Vintage Wood/Coal Stove Base Use-Repurpose 24″ x 15 1/2″footprint. The top opening is 18 1/2 by 24. It stands 7 1/2 high. Marked Sun 22 on the inside casting. Very Good condition in Black Finish No rust, No Breaks, No Repairs. This would make a good base for the right stove or a nice table base or a glass top. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “royantiq” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: unknown
- Type: Heating Stove
- Installation: Freestanding
- Color: Black
- Model: Unknown
- Material: Cast Iron
- Featured Refinements: Cast Iron Wood Stove
- Fuel Type: Coal

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Posted in ornate
Tagged 12footprint, base, cast, iron, ornate, stove, use-repurpose, vintage, woodcoal
Vintage Round Oak Furnace Company Dowagiac, MI Wood Burning Antique Stove

Vintage Round Oak Furnace Company Dowagiac, MI Wood Burning Antique Stove. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “lafla-jess” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Antique: Yes
- Installation: Freestanding
- Number of Burners: 4
- Color: Yellow
- Material: Cast Iron
- Vintage: Yes
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Surface: Cast Plate
- Brand: Round Oak Furnace Company y
- Type: Cooking Stove
- Model: Round Oak Furnace Company
- Number of Ovens: 2
- Features: Baking Oven, Simmering Plate, Storage, Warming Drawer
- Featured Refinements: Wood Cook Stove
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Finish: Enamel

Vintage Atlanta Stove Works Wood Burning Stove Model 26/2757

Vintage Atlanta Stove Works – Wood Burning Stove – Model 26/2757. Fabulous historic cast-iron Wood Burning Stove from the 1940s. The Atlanta Stove Works foundry closed in 1957. Great source of primary, supplementary, or emergency heat. In great condition, the only expectation being the front-right leg has broken off. We still have the foot, which can be re-attached with the right equipment. The sliding vents work great and provide control necessary to maintain a slow hot burn, minimizing reload time. Chimney location is at the top. Includes a grate, however it probably needs to be replaced. Surface rust, can be cleaned & restored to looking new! Make me an offer! This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “lest647070″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Model: 2757
- Fuel Type: Wood
- Brand: Atlanta Stove Works
- Antique: Yes
- Type: Wood Burning Stove
- Installation: Freestanding
- Number of Burners: 1
- Color: Black
- Material: Cast Iron
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Surface: Cast Plate
- Vintage: Yes

O’keefe & Merritt 1950 Stove, Great Shape! Must pick up in Orange County, CA

O’keefe & Merritt stove, 4 burners, grill, and broiler. One owner since 1950! This item is in the category “Collectibles\Kitchen & Home\Major Appliances & Bathroom Fixtures\Stoves”. The seller is “mrprot-76″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Antique: Yes
- Installation: Freestanding
- Number of Burners: 4
- Control Design: Knob Control
- Color: White
- Material: Cast Iron
- Item Depth: 28 inches
- Vintage: Yes
- Fuel Type: Natural Gas
- Surface: Grill
- Design: Rangetop
- Brand: O’Keefe & Merritt
- Type: Cooking Stove
- Item Height: 36 inches with lid on plus enable raised back
- Model: O’Keefe & Merritt
- Number of Ovens: 2
- Features: Baking Oven, Broiler, Clock, Grill
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Headroom: lift up top to expose burners
- Finish: Enamel
- Item Width: 38 inches approx.